Searching For DragonTalon

In the end, the Twelve and Dominion guilds agreed to send representatives from each side to go together to Lava County in order to find out whether my vision inside the Dark Fairy raid proved to be true. Just to be safe, only those with Angel Wings should go.

That being said, only two people in Twelve had Angel Wings. No one in Dominion had any. HinoKun thus asked us for some time to get Angel Feathers together to make two pairs of Angel Wings from his side.

There was only one problem with the Angel Feathers. Their price had risen a lot in the past weeks. It was a public secret that the Angel Wings proved to be very important during the perilous time ahead of us. Alone the fact that they had helped a lot in recovering Fairy Forest was impressive enough. I remembered how DragonTalon lamented day in and day out about the skyrocketing price, and how much he regretted not buying them when he still had the chance.