Rainy’s POV
My arms tingle and my stomach flip with excitement as we speed down the dark, winding mountain road into Castleberg for the first time. I’m feeling sweaty and anxious about the changes to come, and about this old car we are driving. I have never been able to embrace “adventure” with open arms.
I have always liked animals better than people, a trait passed down to me by my mother, Charlotte, who is the most beautiful, kind woman in the world. I worry about leaving her alone. I’m terrified of losing her. She thinks I need Cass, and I do, really. I have always been too shy. Cass is so outgoing. I know that this is where I belong, right now, in a bigger town.
I draw in a sharp, excited breath as we approach the main street of the city. The cobblestone streets and old Victorian buildings make me feel like I am in another world. I look into the cloudy mirror and apply some powder to my freckled nose. My long wavy red hair flying in the wind.
I’m feeling famished as I spot an adorable sidewalk patio café with its arm white fairy lights twinkling in the canopy of trees above. I feel absolutely drawn toward this place. Suddenly, nothing else matters. I forget that we are just about to meet our landlord and get the keys. All I want is to have a bite to eat.
“Cass, stop the car! I’m starving and I want to check out that café.” I point, almost feeling desperate about it.
A very tall, handsome, but stressed-out-looking host comes to seat us. We lock eyes deeply as I sit at the rustic wooden table in candlelight. I realize that he is working he is probably run off his feet. This place is crowded and there seem to be only two servers here.
For a moment, it feels as though I am reading his thoughts. Every time I look at him, sudden dizziness overwhelms me. Butterflies twirl around in my gut.
He is absolutely the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my entire life. Tall, willowy, broad shoulders, thick black wavy hair, and smoldering dark eyes. In a moment that feels like forever, I tear my eyes away from his to look at his name tag. It says “Bron.”
His hand brushes past mine, almost sensuously, as he sets down a glass of water, and I feel a tingle all the way to the bottom of my spine.
His voice is deep and velvety as he looks at me, winks, and says “It is my utmost pleasure to serve such a lovely woman on this fine evening.” He elegantly bows as if to say he is not worthy. Is it just me, or is he ignoring Cass completely? If he is, then this is definitely unusual.
Around us, conversation rises from other tables as Bron leaves us with menus before hurrying off to serve another table. He probably flirts with everybody. All though, he barely seems to notice Cass.
I hear a loud commotion coming from the direction of the café’s open kitchen area. I hear pots and pans crashing and voices raised in the background. People are yelling but I cannot quite make out what they are saying over the loud voices around us.
“Rainy!” Cass shakes me out of my stupor. “Did you see that? Was that a moonlit moment I just saw between you and that sexy waiter?” She is grinning from ear to ear. “Want me to get his number for you?” She teases, wiggling her brows at me.
Irritated, I say “No! But thanks,” and check out the white paper menu. I should be focused on getting to know our new city, not on guys.
“Can I take your order?” A pretty, tall, brunette waitress approaches the table.
What? “Where is Bron?” I shout. People stare.
“Oh, that guy? I am pretty sure he just quit.”
Veronica seems rather happy about Bron’s sudden departure, even though she is left working the crowd alone. I wonder what kind of connection they must have that she seems so happy to be rid of him.
“Here you are, ladies!” She sings cheerfully as she bends her tall, sleek, frame down to place our drinks on the table.
Her black hair is so long it reaches past her waist. Her skin is so pristine that she almost gleams in the moonlight. I can’t help but feel a pang of envy. She is everything that I am not. Bron probably drools over her! Everyone probably does.
I excuse myself and head into the warm, cozy little bathroom. I stand in front of the mirrored wall and take myself in, critically. My freckles, full lips, round cheeks, and green eyes seem to shout “small-town hick.”
Our food has arrived when I return and all I can think about is how I look like sh*t in comparison to Veronica. I am not enjoying myself, suddenly.
“Rainy, you are so quiet, are you ok?” Cass looks at me with her big blue eyes full of genuine concern. She is so kind, and she genuinely loves me.
“Can you give me that makeover we have always talked about when we get into our new place?” I blurt out.
“Of course, honeybee! I am so excited that you are finally open to it,” She smiles, her eyes beaming. “You know what? My treat!” She says as sleek, gorgeous Veronica returns to settle the bill.
I am excited to see that our brownstone has a view of the river and the café. I spot a tiny, eccentric-looking lady in her 60s with bright purple hair and a pink trench coat standing outside holding a fat, fluffy dog under each armpit. I giggle. The sight of her tiny body holding those two little dogs is too hilarious to be real.
“Hello! You must be Rainy and Cassandra. I’d shake your hands, but as you can see, my arms are always full of these two. Meet Honky and Ponky!” The dogs start yapping excitedly as we approach. “Can one of you girls reach into my pocket and grab the keys?”
Apartment 3. Perfect. As the oversized, heavy wood door swings open, I draw in another excited breath. I cannot wait to live here.