Chapter 37: Just You And Me

Brett’s POV

I cannot sleep. It’s 3:30 a.m. and the dogs are howling in the distance, and I need someone to soothe my busy mind. I haven’t slept a wink.

You know who will be awake? Rainy Daye. I’d like to know what her game is. What exactly is she after?

Brett: Good morning Rainy, how are you? I’d like to discuss that mural now if you have a moment.

She doesn’t answer, even though she told me I could message her anytime.

I feel more curious about her at this hour, when the world is asleep, than I ever have before. I liked the things she said to me last time we chatted. Time to initiate a conversation. In a few moments that seem to take forever, she finally replies.

Rainy: Omg yes!

Rainy: I mean, good morning! How are you! I am excited to discuss this with you! It’s a little early, but I was awake anyway. I thought I heard dogs howling. Must have been part of my dream.

Brett: Oh, I am sorry to hear that your sleep was disturbed.