Brett's POV
Diana is shrieking. Throwing a fit. She has taken my phone and tossed it into the fountain. She has curled up into a ball on the floor after throwing a huge fit of temper and rage like a small angry child.
But I know the reason why. I can only imagine the depth of the injustice she feels over our recent news. I am, however, still convinced this child cannot be mine. I cannot sire a child with a vampire, and this fetus belongs to Bron Ambrose. It's got his stink all over it.
It is time to put a final stop to his antics and press forth with formal charges against him and Veronica Van Hagen under the all-knowing eyes of The Council, put in place to govern all dimensions and realities since the beginning of time.
The thing people refer to as the Big Bang. The exit of a baby from the birth canal. The light at the end of the tunnel when people die. I am privy to certain sacred information and always have been. It is another hat I must wear.