Let's see what happened to Wanabe Hiiro
Hiiro is now a silver-haired lady
Hiiro have 6 men as her entourage
Hiiro is depressed because she wants a harem of cute girls but she got a harem of handsome boys
Hiiro is now the most hated girl in that world
Hiiro is engaged to the six men
Hiiro is now regretting to reincarnate
The six men are stringer than Hiiro because she beat them early on and they trained so hard that because of their broken specs they become overly broken
Hiiro is now marching to the cathedral having her grand wedding
Hiiro is named Anastasia
Anastasia is now married to the six men
Anastasia has now 10 babies
do not be like Anastasia
Heil is now on the Elevator going up to meet her interviewer
*Elevator rings*
the Elevator has opened and what she saw a first thing is a Man on a desk in the far front near the mesmerising View of the city on top
Heil: (This divinity?, a wandering God?)
Yagoo: Come to closer Heil
Heil: okay
Heil comes closer to the desk and sits on the sofa
Heil: Are you the interviewer?
Yagoo: Yes... I have a string of questions and you must answer everything honestly
Heil: of course
Yagoo: do you know the geography of this world?
Heil: No
Yagoo: do you know the commonsense of this world
Heil: No
Yagoo: What is your Race?
Heil: Dragon
Yagoo: what is your true age?
Heil: more than 100k
Yagoo: do you have experience with technology?
Heil: Yes
Yagoo: do you know how to use streaming services?
Heil: No
Yagoo: do you play video games?
Heil: Yes
Yagoo: if so please tell me what genre you like
Heil: Rpg, Survival, fps, simulation, strategy, and fishing
Yagoo: what is your hobby?
Heil: Sleeping, Fishing, and Eating
Yagoo: How strong are you?
Heil: I could Freeze this planet in a minute (if I self destruct)
Yagoo: *nervous laughter*
Yagoo: What is your full name
Heil: Hellish Rain
Yagoo: Do you have any relationships?
Heil: None...
Yagoo: I see...
Yagoo: What is your title when you were a god?
Heil: Dragon of Calamity
Yagoo: Why do you kick out front of the position?
Heil: I don't like inflicting pain, I would rather accept it
Yagoo: I guess that's all the questions I have, do you have any questions?
Heil: are you the CEO of this company?
Yagoo: Yes...
Heil: Why a god like you here?
Yagoo: to fulfil my goal
Heil: Why do you accept me here?
Yagoo: so I could show you that you have a place to come back
Heil: I'm looking forward to it...
They both have an amused expression
Heil: geez... and here I thought I'm facing a final boss or something
Yagoo: I didn't think you are much laid back person than I think you are...
Heil: Heh, still your ambition is very different from the gods I've met
Yagoo: you too, I didn't think a god from hell can be amiable as you
Heil: let me introduce once again
Heil: Hellish Rain the Dragon from hell
she reaches her hand
Yagoo: Motoaki Tanigo the god of Hope and Protection
he reaches the hand
and they shake like true friends
Heil: Still I felt like that Nepotism is strong on this one
Yagoo: as long you won't mention it to the audience I guess you are fine
Yagoo: also let me tell you the situation here
Heil: as long I won't bother you then it's fine
Yagoo: it's fine
Yagoo: this world supernatural and Non-supernatural are already exist very early on
Yagoo: That's why tons of wars have been made because the non-supernaturals is afraid of the supernaturals
Yagoo: of course the supernatural's won and the non-supernatural is dissatisfied so they advance too much that the supernatural strength is lesser than them
Yagoo: but in the middle of the war great phenomena have created and wiped out most creatures in the world
Yagoo: they called it the annihilation storm
Yagoo: an annihilation storm is created when the amount of residue of mana in the air is higher than to the ground
Yagoo: because of that phenomenon the various races come to an agreement that they won't fight each other any longer and they will settle it on idol wars
Yagoo: Idol wars is when a group of idols from different countries held a showdown of virtual combat
Yagoo: a team of 5 idols will choose an avatar that the game offer to compete on a 5v5 battle
Heil: an e-sport event?
Yagoo: Yes...
Yagoo: but it's 3d
Yagoo: means you have to move, shoot, use an ability like your character
Yagoo: You can use the Virtual avatar that has been given to you but frankly it will be too Overpowered
Heil: I won't participate in that, it sounds like a pain
Yagoo: I mean there is a 3d fps war
Heil: That's interesting
Yagoo: but again you will be probably will get banned there
Heil: Why?
Yagoo: I have a feeling you can easily dominate it
Heil: Eh... so boring
Yagoo: I heard you want to stream fishing?
Heil: if possible
Yagoo: Yes you can, you can take care of the enemies that will come after you after all
Yagoo: I should ask someone to give you an avatar that will closely resemble you
Heil: are you sure?
Yagoo: what?
Heil: this is an idol agency even its a facade, to be honest
Yagoo: that may be a problem, your voice is very monotone to sing some songs...
Yagoo: we will cross that bridge when we reach that point
Heil: You are very carefree...
Yagoo: says the kettle
Heil: touché
Yagoo: well I called someone to make you familiar with everyone in here
*knock* *knock*
Yagoo: speak of the devil
the door opens revealing a girl that has purple twintails
Towa: and the devil comes
Towa: Tokoyami Towa here nice to meet you Heil-chan
▪︎Sorry about the Hiiro wanabe segment, I mean Anastasia segment▪︎
[This is kind of self-fulfilment fanfic means it contains segs]