Chapter 22

In a bright moonlight In  the middle of the ocean

There is a little girl on the top of the sky her wings are sparkling because of the light of the moon

Heil: The Internet said that this area has a group of Tuna staying...

Heil: I want to know if they are right

The Girl looks down she flapped her wings and she suddenly dissapears


The calm water suddenly make a giant splash of water

▪︎Something like this▪︎

A random fishing boat got caught up in her dive

Heil realise that she accidentally killed the school of Tuna in her dive

Heil: At the very least I got what I want I guess...

Heil looks at the drowning people and the boat badly damaged


Heil: I'll help them and kept this a secret to-

[Yagoo: A secret to what?]

[Heil: Kyaaaa!!!!]


In a dark and lush forest

a person is running away

Ed: Why?, Why?, Why!!!?

Ed: sh☆t!

the person got tripped by a root

But the person gets up and tried to run away even his feet is hurting

Ed: Ath!!! the person shouted in the lush forest

Ath: Ed!!!

Another hooded person comes and tried to help the injured person

Ath: Ed! what happened?!

Ed: let's go Ath! we can't stay here I've been chased by them!!

Ath knows what Ed is implying, Ath carried Ed and runs towards their hideout

Ath: Damn they are already caught our tail

Ath carried Ed towards near the entrance of the cave

Ath: hey Ed let's lay low for a while

Ath: Ed?

Ed is unconscious

Ath: you scared me for a second there...

Ame: You should be more scared

Ath: !!!

Ath take a defensive position and look at the person that is been saying those words

Ath: Let me guess... one of those so-called justice departments?

Ame: It called the supernatural enforcer

Ath: Shut your mouth! you didn't even take justice to what happened in my village!

Amelia is speechless about that

Ame: I...

Ath: see you didn't have any excuse?

Ath: you know that the officials are the ones that are behind yet why didn't you capture it?

Ath: I thought you held equal justice!!!!

Ath: yet why?!!!

Ame: That's doesn't mean you need to kill innocents!

Ath: *chuckles*

Ath: Hahahahahahaha!!!

Ath laughs maniacally and glares at Amelia

Ath: Innocent? they are convicts, rapists, and criminals!!!

Ath: you guys are the same!

Ath: don't act like your different

Ath bodies glow red

Ath: let me show you this wrath of mine and feel how painful it is

Ath charges at Amelia and kicks at her

Ame dodges the kicked but the rocks that have been hit are destroyed blocking her vision

Ame block the sand with her hands but a punch arrived and hits her


Ame: Ahh!

she gets blown towards the wall


Ame: guh...

she reached her pocket watch and clicks it

the damage she received has been reverted to nothing

Ath: Tsk... you have a blessed vessel

Ath: still you are just a normal human

Ath gathers power in his hand till it glows crimson

Ath: I'll kill you with 1 hit

Ath: wrath burst!!!!

Ath appears in front of Amelia

Amelia closes her eyes

Amelia: there is no pain?

Amelia opens her eyes and sees Ath have a golden Axe lodge in his head and falls staining Amelia's face with blood

Suisei: amelia are you okay?

Amelia breaks down and cried

Suisei: Ame?!!

Suisei sees the arm is still glowing so she grabs the axe and throws the Corpse of Ath to the unconscious person

Suisei carries the crying amelia outside


the cave shook and it envelopes flames the inside

Suisei: *sigh* what a pain


In a condominium

*knock* *knock*

Gura: Hello?

Gura opened the door and she saw a blue-haired girl behind the door

Gura: Suisei senpai?!

Suisei: Yo! Gura, I'm with Amelia

Gura: !!!

Gura: come in

Suisei puts Amelia on Gura's bed

Gura: what happened?

Suisei goes to the bathroom to wash her hands

Suisei: She cried when I saved her...

Suisei removed her gloves and use soap

Gura: ehh?

Suisei: I don't know now what happened

Suisei saw a tattoo on her hand

▪︎Wrath Crest▪︎

Suisei: Where did this come from?

She tried to clean it with soap but it doesn't remove it

Suisei: I'll just ignore it for now

Suisei dried her hands and discarded the used gloves

Suisei exits the bathroom and sees Gura lifting Ame's skirt

Suisei: What are you doing?!

Gura: Ah!!!

Gura looks at Suisei

Gura: I'm not doing anything indecent! I swear!

Suisei: then Don't panic!!!

Gura: Yes!!..

Gura: I just want to remove the syringes on her thighs

Suisei: I see... then remove it

Gura lifts Ame's skirt and she removes the strap of the pocket on Ame's legs

Gura: When did she get a tattoo on her thighs?

▪︎Greed crest▪︎

Suisei: it somehow looks like mine

Gura: ehh?!

Suisei shows the back of her right hand

Gura: Did you two get a tattoo or something?

Suisei: it's not like that...

Gura: ehh?

Suisei massaged her temple

Suisei: (this is going to be a long story)


In the templar hideout

Everyone is dead laying in the ground no blood has dropped, no fighting marks can be seen

they are just dead laying there like they are sleeping

?: Monster...

Choco: Yes... I am a monster especially you threaten to harm my Heil

The leader of the templar is there hanging on the tip of the spear in the giant Cross on the wall

?: may god punish you

Choco: gods? *giggles* don't make me laugh, after all, I'm also known as the god of Hell

the leader of the templar is shocked with the revelation

?: Lies!

the leader of the templar coughs blood

Choco: I didn't lie I created Hell because of Heil

Choco: you know? that the Hell is known as the underworld but got the named Hell after?

Choco: I named it Hell because it has the same tone as Heil

Choco: it seemed you died without hearing the last part... too bad~

*phone rings*

Choco: Heil?

Heil: Choco can you come here because we will create a feast for celebrating the start of HoloX and Laplus's debut

Choco: of course anything for you~

Heil: *sigh* yes-yes

*Call ended*

Choco: Even though Heil doesn't know how much I loved her... But I'll make sure to make her feel my love for her...

Choco smiled at ecstasy for the future and dissapears in the room


▪︎I almost delete the Chapter because I'm sleepy▪︎

▪︎Heils Gluttony crest▪︎▪︎it is located on her soul▪︎

crest without colours are lower tier and can be plundered easily by killing the host or being bestowed by the host

meanwhile (coloured crest) perfected crests are impossible to get no matter what you do, mainly because hosts are overpowered beyond normal understanding