Chapter 25.5

Heil looks at Reimu

Heil: do you know how to dispel curses?

Reimu: what is that sudden question?

Heil: I just want to know...

Reimu: I could remove all kinds of curses

Heil: then can you remove a soul bound curse?

Reimu: of course!! I can

Heil: then can you remove mine then?

Reimu: Ha?!

Reimu: eyes glow for a second

The soul trail can be seen from Heil and Moona are connected

Heil's soul has a golden crest on it

Reimu: I could but I need the girl's permission first

Heil's: I see...

Heil looks at the Sleeping Moona on her back

Heil's: let's go towards the ID HQ first...

Reimu: then I'll come with you for the Curse removal...

Heil: thanks...

The three people walk while one is carrying a girl and another one is carrying a sword


Heil put the unconscious Moona in the bed

Towa: what happened to Moona Heil?

Heil: let's talk on the outside

Heil: Reimu can you please guard her

Reimu: of course!

Towa and Heil exits the room leaving Reimu and the unconscious Moona inside

Reimu: still... is this girl a goddess candidate?

Reimu: having a curse can only mean they did that thing...

Reimu put her hand in Moona's forehead

Moona's Body glowed green for a split second and she Regained consciousness

Moona opens her eyes

Moona: who are you?

Reimu: I'm just a shrine maiden that hunts monsters for money, I'm Hakurei Reimu

Moona: where is Heil?

Reimu: she is on the outside

Reimu: though I heard you and her gained the curse of soul bond so I'm removing it

Moona: why?

Reimu: if I let the soulbond continue you will be receiving the same amount of pain she is suffering and by looking at Heil her Ice and Fire element is constantly clashing

Reimu: she can shrug it off like nothing but I doubt you can too

Moona: no

Reimu: eh? it's very dangerous I tell you

Moona: No!

Moona raise her voice and look at Reimu

Moona: I won't do it!

Reimu: don't tell me you already fall for her?

Moona: I see her entire life, I've been there I saw her suffering and I felt so helpless that I can't do anything for her experience in her life

Moona: that's why I want to be with her and make her happy

Reimu: (tsk... Harem mc's so annoying)

Reimu: fine... at least let me take the pain away...

Moona is satisfied and is nodding

Reimu touch Moona's back and position her hand directly to the hearts location

Moona glows in white and black light for a split second

Reimu: done...

Moona: so fast

Reimu: because a shrine maiden doesn't waste time

Heil and Towa enters the Room

Heil: Moona I'm sorry

Heil tries to bow but Moona doesn't let her

Moona: no, in fact, you didn't need to apologies

Heil: what?

Moona: in fact, I'm happier if you accepted me like Towa and Choco-sensei

Heil: eehh??

Heil: but you cried and I thought you hated me...

Moona: nope it's a different reason why I cried

Moona: Towa-senpai will you permit me to be part of Heil's life?

Towa: I can't say no after what she's done... Yeah, but don't forget I'm her first

Moona smiled

Moona: of course!

Moona kissed Heil softly

Heil is surprised but she accepted it

Reimu: ( I never knew I hated PDA )

The shrine maiden looks at the window.

Reimu: I want to explore a bit more...