
In a vast flat plain. Dark clouds loomed above as a slender figure emerged from the void. Three supreme beasts with blazing dark flame pulled the grand chariot that this figure stayed in.

As one crack void appeared, explosive sounds chimed, causing many space cracks nearby the void.

Strange creatures descended from within, all of which had an unfathomable pressure and immeasurable power. These creatures landed beneath the grand chariot and fully prepared themselves with countless treasures that revolved in the air.

In front of them was a massive army with divine lights. Four beings stood aloof in the air, with beaming eyes, staring daggers at the figure inside the chariots.

Silence filled the atmosphere, but intense adrenaline pumped their blood.

"Poor Favored Heavens."

A cold, indifferent voice sounded within the grand chariot. Covered by a dark curtain, the chariot couldn't hide the figure's frightening aura.

The four beings heard this, and their face turned ugly. All of them brandished their divine weapons, and the massive army behind them spontaneously lifted their weapons.

"Don't be too cocky, you bastard!" One of the four beings that had a bulky body shouted in anger. His short height contracted the aura he emitted as the earth trembled with his shout.

And as he shouted, the clouds turned gloomy, fully covering the lights above. Boundless killing intent surged up on the other side, as all creatures under the grand chariot were unwilling for his remarks.

"Your downfall is bound to happen. What is your last word?"

An elegant being with four white wings asked calmly toward the figure inside the grand chariot. His sixteen divine swords revolved around him, emitting brilliance lights that illuminated the surrounding.

"My last word, huh? Listen well, cute kids." The voice chuckled.

His chuckle made the four beings shudder in fear.

"You! What filthy tricks you have now?!" The third being, a human, held a blazing halberd. His palpitated eyes showed fear as his hands visibly trembled.

As the figure finished his words, the magnanimous door of the grand chariot opened, showing an immortal-like being. He floated above, looking down upon all beings.

This figure was tall, with long dark hair gracefully draped on his back—pale smooth skin. Calm eyes and a faint smile adorned his elegant visage as his dark robe fluttered.

"My lord!"

All creatures beneath the grand chariot kneeled with the utmost respect.

This figure glanced at a sea of creatures behind the four beings. Forming a faint smile, he lifted his right hand. Suddenly, a frightening dark aura gushed at extremely high speed, rendering thousands of creatures in the line into ashes.

"Oops, my bad. Losing ants won't hurt you, though," said the figure.

Blue veins popped out of the four beings, and they couldn't help but growl in rage!

"Fight with your life! Kill!"

A being bathed in thunder flew forth. This fourth being plucked a fork of thunder on the dark clouds, then slashed the air.

Many heads flew in a blink of an eye, and a rain of blood poured down.

"Impatient. Truly impatient."

The figure shook his head in disappointment. Next to the chariot, he still looked aloof and cold. His dark eyes showed no emotion.

He entered the chariot again with an uninterested expression and said: "Showtime."

His voice was plain but left a deep impression on all present beings. The creatures beneath him immediately marched forward, bolted full of killing intent.

On the other side, all creatures growled, transforming into brilliance lights toward them.

A duel turned into a skirmish. Slowly bloomed as a battlefield. Eventually born as a war.

The thunderous being kept plucking thunder—bulky being kept creating earthquakes.

The four-winged being solemnly clasped his hands as the wings embraced him, bathed with divine lights towering to the sky.

In front of him was a human with bloodlust halberd. He relentlessly poured his energy on the halberd, and as time passed, the halberd turned to be more boundless of blood, but his face turned pale.

"Let's see the insane luck of yours, Heaven."

The chaotic scenes before the figure's vision made him chuckle in triumph. A floating pot poured wine on his cup, and then he casually sipped it with satisfaction.


In an instant, scorching flame surged up. The figure squinted his eyes, then found a small boiling space crack between the four-wings being and the halberd.

"Hell? Bastard, you dare to meddle in my business!"

The grand chariot roared with a frightening aura. It bolted toward the boiling space crack, leaving a trail of dark flames in the path.

As the grand chariot came closer, a flood of creatures emerged from the space crack.

Emitting a scorching aura, they appeared to be devils from hell. Some exuded boundless heat, while others exuded immeasurable bloodlust.

"You have fallen in the hand of Heaven? Pitiful." The figure came out of the chariot, looking at one figure who exuded the most profound blood intent.

"You're no longer my lord. You don't know the true face of Heaven. What resides within... you can't imagine a shit!"

That figure answered with a hint of fear. Contrary to the boundless flames on his body and bizarre face, his eyes shrunk just thinking about Heaven.

"If you can't understand it, I'll gladly show you!"

Something invisible pierced the dark sky as the blazing figure lifted both hands. The four-wings being's divine lights tensed up, forming a gate with heavenly lights in the sky.

The war halted for all creatures looking above with such a catchy move.

"Calling the Heaven?" A carefree smile adorned the figure as he patiently waited for the gate to form fully.

Soon, hazy flashes of brilliance and resplendent beings descended. It was like glimmering water from a massive dam. They kept coming superfluously, floating in the air.

"I don't know that I'm very famous. To think three different realms unite, bah! You should thank me for this. Otherwise, you all will fight each other like usual."

As he said this, the beings in the air looked at him with disdain and hatred. Gradually, they formed a massive transformation with blinding lights that slowly dispersed the dark clouds.

"Come. Show me what you got." The figure spread his arms with a smirk as if he had voluntarily turned into the target. The creatures on his sides gulped nervously, thinking they had to sacrifice themselves if something got out of hand.

And as he said so, his enemies marched toward him with all their might.

One against the world.

Either from the air, the land, or underground. He received insane attacks from all sides at one time.

Closing his eyes, the surrounding air turned dense and dreadful.

Some attacks dissolved immediately; even some treasures melted before they could reach him. It was as though an invisible barrier covered him, but enemies saw the figure was defenseless with his arms casually spread.

Then, he swung his right arm, immediately rendering countless creatures into pulp. Another swing from his left arm turned many beings into blood mist.

"As expected of my lord! His strength is unfathomable."

Soon, the creatures on his side were jubilant.

In a mere second, the situation flipped quickly. Embarrassing to say, but his enemies must admit that he was something entirely on a different level.

Invisible threads sucked the nearby enemies, recharging his energy, also acting as supplements.

The four beings felt the odds piling up, but they wouldn't falter!

The short bulky being held a hammer out of nowhere and slammed it on the ground next to the four-wings being. Still full of blood, the human stabbed the halberd on the ground next to it.

They bolted toward the enemy while the thunderous being dragged one cloud toward the four-winged being. He quickly pulled the cloud, escorted by sixteen divine swords and all beings from Heaven.

The two beings — the short, bulky being and the human – fought bitterly during this moment. Visible wounds could be seen on their body as they heavily panted.


The cloud sucked into a void, including a hammer, a halberd, and sixteen swords. A massive turmoil coiled around the nearby space, causing explosive sounds.

"Taste your power!"

The beings from Heaven marched. A thick, dark, deadly ray shot out from the sky to the slender figure.

The figure narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist, which emitted a similar deadly power. He landed left hook and right hook simultaneously with a growl as the ray struck him.

But endless waves of enemies kept coming. In the corner of his eyes, he noticed that the four beings were in a lotus position and seemingly were about to have a breakthrough to a higher level.

"Good, good! You outsmart me." The figure laughed like a maniac.

Suddenly, he slammed to the ground; he couldn't withstand the ray. Pain immediately spread, and noises gradually dimmed. He didn't expect he would be in this state in that instant.

"My lord!"

The creatures of his side frantically rushed forward, piercing through the endless waves of enemies.

As the ray died down, they heard a maniac laugh.

"Hahaha! As expected of my attack. Bastard, it's painful!"

The figure spitted dirt on the corner of his mouth.

Though he said this casually, enemies still poured their energy and released attacks from time to time. But alas! Most of them couldn't hit him.

"Meet your death!"

The four beings suddenly marched with a deeper cultivation base.

The thunderous being landed a clean hit on the figure's jaw with his right knuckle.

On his back was the bulky being. Boundless lights engulfed his hammer, successfully assaulting the figure's chest.

Both attacks happened at an extremely brief moment.

The figure was flung to the sky. He received massive attacks from the beings of Heaven and new visible wounds formed.

"I won't die this way." He smirked, letting his body sway back and forth.

Yet, as time went by, he realized something was amiss. He couldn't heal some wounds. Attacks felt severe agony!


A figure like him was shameless. Once he was sure things would go astray, he decisively fled.

Numerous voids formed. All creatures on his side entered it.

The human quickly threw his halberd, preventing one void from closing. Then, all of them rushed inside it.

When they entered the void, a different world transpired before their eyes.

An insanely towering dark curtain covered their vision, slowly closing certain regions. It caused violent winds, throwing many pursuers out. Only four beings entered successfully.

"Heed my word! Because of the damned heaven, I at this moment close this world."

The figure hovered in the air with wounds all over his body as his words reverberated toward every corner of this world.

"But darkness shall be eternity!"

He was in his home. All places were his playground.

"My last hurrah, huh?"

As a dark curtain fully closed, his existence started to fade away. Ugly and bizarre creatures exposed their presence, looking reluctant and sad at his state.

"Let's do this, shall we?"

He looked at his body, which gradually turned transparent. With a smirk, a lovely feast began, slaughtering all intruders.