The Home of The Damned Creatures

A pair of luminous eyes and a bizarre, wide grin adhered to the cracks on the wall. As the deep voice rang, the teeth didn't move.

The unknown deep voice reverberated deep inside Mao Nianzu's ears, sending chills down to his spines. No neighbors complained about this loud voice. So, he roughly assumed that only he could hear it.

But hearing the words, the corner of Mao Nianzu's mouth curled up with a look of ridicule.

Fighting alone is tough? Isn't that obvious?

That's why people have friends, create connections, and bond in marriage—to avoid the predicament of fighting alone. And these were simple examples. Besides, the word 'alone' had primarily described everything in this vast world.

What could 'alone' amount to compared to the boundless world?

His puffy eyes became more strained and dry as this thought flashed through his mind, . No stamina remained in the body.

He no longer cared about many things since a long time ago, and now he also did not care about this mysterious being.

The voice paused for a moment. After that, the voice asked: "Do you know who I am?"

The tired Mao Nianzu could not make an excessive expression, so he looked flat but internally dumbfounded hearing the question.

These creatures had come to his room by themselves, blabbering nonsense and now asking him to guess their origin?

'Maybe some cultivators feel bored and do some pranks—what a weird taste. They will enjoy it more if I retaliate and keep bothering me later. Sigh. I'll sleep and save my energy for tomorrow.'

Mao Nianzu heaved a sigh of helplessness. Then, he laid down, treating the creatures as a mere air. He could care less about this.

Even if his action infuriated the creature, he did not care. I had no time to dwell on it.

On the other hand, the luminous eyes tensed up when he laid down. Countless eyes flashed brightly in the endless dark space, glaring fiercely at Mao Nianzu.

This happened in a quick moment, but it gave chills to his spine as if a bucket of chilly water splashed his back.

He could not help but turn his head, then found the luminous eyes staring at him with a stern gaze, the same bizarre smile, and the same endless dark space yet nothing new inside it.

'Is this crack connected to the outside? The air must be cold. I should cover it with something.'

With that thought and furrowed brows, Mao Nianzu used his three-meter thin fabric to close the crack while muttering, "Hmm… I should tell the owner to fix this crack. Otherwise, people who sleep here will catch a cold."

After saying that, he felt a similar chilling sensation and saw the sea of bloodshot eyes swirling up exaggeratedly behind the crack.

The luminous eyes gave a serenity impression, but those eyes belonged to something ominous.

"Hell…" Subconsciously, Mao Nianzu uttered this word. At the same time, he threw his gaze far away from the crack and took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself.

'No! That undeniably belongs to the devil! Why do those eyes appear behind that divine and compassionate eyes?!'

As this thought appeared on his mind, Mao Nianzu shook his head heavily. Even if they were devils, what could they take from him? His soul and body?

What could possibly pique their interest in a mortal like him? How laughable!

Considering this point, the fear subsided a little. He did not oppose the idea of them stealing his soul and body, for he no longer had any ambition to live, either.

'Eventually, I'll die.'

This is what he thought.

Then, he gathered his guts to ask: "Why are you here?"

He asked to a wall covered by thin fabric and tapes. The eyes and teeth were no longer visible.

"You represent our feeling."

He heard the deep voice inside his mind. But what was this creature meant by 'our'? Was it referring to the sea of innumerable eyes?

He immediately stopped thinking and decided to ask instead because he was tired; this creature seemed up for a conversation.

"Who are you?"

Hearing this question, the voice chuckled. Different from before, this chuckle did not have any impact on him.

"We live in this damned world, and the world called us the damned creatures."

Somehow, the tone sounded like a mockery toward Mao Nianzu... he could not help but feel embarrassed remembering the rant about the world earlier.

Then again, how could this creature know something inside his mind… or was it just a coincidence diction?

"I am tired as hell. Can you come tomorrow? I want to sleep," said Mao Nianzu.

To be frank, it felt good to have someone he could talk to, so Mao Nianzu wanted to talk more. Who cares if this creature felt annoyed by his word? Unfortunately, his body could not last long.

He prepared the simple mat and put some thin fabric on it, lest this could make the floor warmer.

"Tired as hell?"

And yet, as he was about to lay his head on the flat, hard floor, Mao Nianzu heard this word as his brain spontaneously portrayed the image of the luminous eyes and bizarre teeth smirking playfully.

He was irritated, but he held the urge and chose to ignore it.

Then, the voice continued the fun.

"Hell is not tired. It's very boring!"

Again, Mao Nianzu closed his ears with his hands. He totally ignored it!

Not long after, the deep, hoarse voice rang with a disappointed tone.

"You're no fun. You summon us, and this is how you treat us? Darling is too cold."

Mao Nianzu felt his eyes intensify as he heard the word 'darling' in a deep, hoarse voice. He never got a partner, but he never wished to have someone like this if he got one!

"I never call you, nor do I know you!"

Mao Nianzu could not back down. So what if they were scary? He happened to be tired of many things, and these little eyes were the perfect object for his rants!

"Aww, darling, you are too harsh." The deep voice sighed.

Mao Nianzu was dumbfounded. He felt disgusted by this teasing, but his body was exhausted even to show any expression, let alone vomit.


"Okay, the joke is over." The voice suddenly reverberated in a unique atmosphere, causing a slight ripple in the surrounding space.

Mao Nianzu was startled to see the temperature drop significantly.

The window, furniture, and floor had fragile, visible ice. But, he did not feel cold at all. Instead, he felt revitalized. In an instant, all of his fatigue vanished.

The wall covered by thin fabric and tapes shattered into smithereens, creating a big black hole with a dark whirlpool inside.

The luminous eyes floated and looked brighter with a golden aura shrouding them. The mouth looked like a divine being that contained word laws; a mere word from it could trigger a phenomenal impact.

The scene that appeared before Mao Nianzu looked surreal; the combination of a seemingly divine being and a dreadful whirlpool contradicted each other.

Nevertheless, he could not escape and let it flow naturally; Mao Nianzu wanted to see what this creature had been up to!


A gentle breeze gushed out and affectionately pushed his back into the whirlpool. It was a gentle yet highly tight breeze, for he could not move his body in the slightest.

Not long after, the whirlpool turned into a twisted tunnel. The scene before his eyes turned rather bizarre and chaotic.

This whirlpool contained numerous strange and ugly creatures crawling next to him, separated by a thin, solid barrier.

In the far distance outside this barrier were myriad types of creatures powerfully built, seemingly had no interest to even glance at his side.

'Seems like this barrier prevents those creatures from coming closer.'

This thought flashed into Mao Nianzu's mind as he touched the barrier.

Soon, he felt the world spin for a moment and an illusionary dark curtain, towering high in the sky, widely spread over the horizon, replaced his view. Nothing could be seen except the colossal dark curtain.

Until this time, no sound visited his ears. He realized it just now. Then, he threw his gaze on the luminous eyes.

'The eyes are calm as though the moon looks down upon everything.'

Mao Nianzu was sure of this idea because he heard a saying in the past, "eyes represent one's soul."

When he stared at it, somehow, he felt at ease. Before making the first mistake—teaching neighborhood kids to read, he once felt this sort of serenity.

It was that precious moment when he saw his mother's smile or his dad's crunchy jokes. All sorts of nag, yell, and banter—small things under a small house.

He longed for this priceless moment after parting away and striving aimlessly until now for nothing. Alas, age rusted his mind, slowly erased this golden part of memories.

Just being around his mother could make him do anything stupid, and no one would scold him; be silly and spoiled. Now, in front of the luminous eyes, he recalled that rare moment he had buried a long time ago.

He could not help but sigh with complicated feelings.

However, the reminiscing had come to a halt because the eyes looked back at him. Contrary to the divine eyes, the mouth curled up into a terrible smile as though it could crush him into pieces in one bite.

At the same time, the colossal curtain opened very slowly as the barrier surrounding his body vanished instantly.


A heavy wind caused by the fluttered curtain came up abruptly in his direction like a typhoon. Divine lights shrouded his surroundings in a blink of an eye. These lights protected him from the heavy wind.

After it opened as wide as hundreds of kilometers, the curtain stopped. Within his heart, Mao Nianzu had the urge to enter this mysterious territory.

Subconsciously, his body followed his mind and took several steps.

Then, the same deep, hoarse voice reverberated throughout the place.

"Welcome to the home of damned creatures, the Abyss."