
The discussion happened among themselves.

Later on, a man with an enormous mystical falcon cupped his fist during this breathtaking moment. He said: "Thank you for the pointers, Supreme Elder! Excuse my impoliteness. I'll take my leave and digest this wisdom."

Many hidden experts followed his action, also cupped their fists, and left the sky.

Youths inside the auditorium did not know why they left in a hurry. However, they dared not speak anything.

Moments later, the middle-aged man explained a bit about fundamental cultivation.

It was very superficial that even Mao Nianzu, a mortal, knew it. The middle-aged man put some spice of tricks to attract people's attention while explaining it.

About several minutes afterward, the middle-aged man crossed his legs in a lotus position, then turned into a stream of light, shot outside at high speed. People saw the trail of brilliance light from the man in admiration.

"We should be honored to have Supreme Elder attending our seminar. His technique is unfathomable, and his wisdom is boundless. Now, we will have a break to digest his pointers and continue our seminar later." A girl in a white robe said.

After that, the seminar continued with a different person but paled in contrast to what the Supreme Elder did. Mao Nianzu did not watch it till the end because he had to work.


Mao Nianzu did not know that the Supreme Elder's fame surged up after the seminar and became the topic of everyone's discussion.

Whether in tea time, market, or even streets, they talked about it.

The Wisdom of Supreme Elder.

No one knew where this nickname came from, but this event was called that way.

Fire and water were two opposite elements. Everyone knew the predicament of seamless fusion formed by both elements.

It was rare to have someone capable of merging it, causing the scarcity of relevant references; any new method or breakthrough regarding fie-water fusion would be insanely priceless and sought after by the world.

Successfully repaired the damaged two-exact-opposite elements halo without causing any damage—cultivators knew well how tough that was.

And yet, the supreme elder selflessly shared it, equally giving everyone the priceless insight. Now, it was up to people's capability to comprehend and absorb it.

People couldn't help but sincerely look up to him and diligently cultivate.

At the majestic hall.

The emperor heard the news through reports. Adorning his face was an inexplicable expression, but those who knew him well could discern the happiness inside.

"Your master is truly admirable," said the genius disciple from Misty Flowery Palace. She gracefully sat next to him, eating some fruits and delicacies.

"He is a wise sage. For the sake of humanity, he's willing to put himself in danger and solve the impossible. It'll boost people's spirits and deepen their faith in my empire," said the emperor.

"Tang." A voice rang outside.

The emperor knew who this voice belonged to, so he said: "Come in, master."

Fluttering white sleeves. The middle-aged man, from the auditorium walked into the hall indifferently.

He stared at his genius disciple, who became an emperor. Recalling a flash past about the hurdle journey to claim the throne together, the man heaved a sigh of nostalgia. But! His intention to come here was to cherish that moment.

"Can you give this old man a time?" The man smiled at the Misty Flower Palace's disciple. She cupped her fist and left him without a word.

"Master, what's going on?" The emperor was puzzled. His master was a straightforward person, rarely held his words.

Staring at his disciple, the man shook his head. Power incurred greed and arrogance. Lately, his disciple became more and more disrespectful toward him.

"How are you going lately?" asked the man.

"I'm doing well. We have already conquered the border. It won't be long before we have a new land," said the emperor while eating one bead of grape.

"Keep it up. For the time being…" the man paused for a moment. "Behave well. An unfathomable existence has come into being."

"Who?" the emperor sneered. "Experts in my empire will voluntarily fight if something happens to me. Why make a fuss about it, master?"

"Then do you have faith in me?" the man solemnly asked.

"I always do," said the emperor.

"Do you weigh my word?"

"Of course!" With a slight nod, the emperor replied.


Sudden turbulence occurred, suppressing the emperor in his seat. He was startled, then realized the solemnity eyes of his master along with an ocean halo behind his master's back.

"Ungrateful disciple. You better heed my words!" The man roared. "One word from him! Only one word, let alone me, this existence can flatten the whole empire!"

"I am the emperor!" The emperor retaliated. A gush of roaring dragon boiled the surroundings as his body bathed in a golden light.

Feeling lazy to deal with his haughty disciple, the man irritatedly said: "I've met this existence, and I already offended him. In case you're out of line, I can help you once. Keep being arrogant, and I'm out."

Having enough speech, the man transformed into a ray of light, leaving the emperor in a daze as the turbulence gradually disappeared.

'Senile old man. I know you're jealous of my glorious fame. Wait until I surpass you, for I'm the only one who can stand above all! So what if he's stronger? I've crushed stronger enemies into a pulp, and I will crush more! Cowardice can tuck their tail between their legs, hmph!'

A murderous intent flashed through the emperor's eyes as he thought this.

Sensing a fluctuation of murderous intent, the middle-aged man, Supreme Elder, could read his disciple's mind like an open book, albeit not face to face. He began to worry more.

'He hasn't changed… or he's changed in this part. Our painstaking efforts will perish in vain. Tang, this is all on your wisdom. Let's see if the title Emperor suits your attitude.'

With that thought in mind, Supreme Elder launched toward one particular direction.

At the same time, in the next workplace.

Mao Nianzu was speechless. His jaw dropped, eyes wide open as he tried to look at the environment. Finding the workplace had a landslide.

It was an empty area now. The whole area turned into a bottomless pit.

With officials and cultivators busily investigating, he got no intention of asking because it was obvious that they had no proper data yet.

So, he decided to go to the next workplace, the last job, supposedly on the night shift.


This was very bad. This last workplace turned into ashes as well.

Basically, he had no other jobs besides that morning shift in the restaurant. The payment was too low, but he was fortunate enough to have this job.

Due to the celebration, the industries tried to increase their quality, especially culinary—by mortal workers or cultivators. Obviously, the latter was the best.

Not only did they have better stamina, but they also had better skills. For pleasing customers and the emperor, this was not a loss.

Furthermore, many cultivators were quite desperate for jobs either, so there were abundant applicants.

Mao Nianzu joined the job before the celebration. As per the agreement, it would last months later so the company could not fire him. Otherwise, it would breach the contract.

"You are fired."

A tall, muscle man with a beard sat on his chair, stated this sentence. He was the owner of the restaurant in Mao Nianzu's morning shift.

A flat expression adorned Mao Nianzu's face as he yawned. He retorted: "You can't fire me. I have four months period here."

"Who the heck are you? I am the owner, and you," an index finger pointed at Mao Nianzu," are fired."

Mao Nianzu did not surprise. He had gone through a similar situation.

Foolish to think he put a high hope not to be fired. Even if he had a contract, what a mere paper amount to when you had no power to prove it?

When Mao Nianzu brought the contract, he assumed his owner could easily tear it apart. And it needed laborious, troublesome work to file a case in officials.

That was one simple means, and as a businessman who survived in this affluent area, the owner had numerous means against a worker like him.

"Yes, sir. Thank you for letting me work." As Mao Nianzu said this, a pouch full of coins hit his face crudely.



A half-disc of sun bid farewell on the horizon. Reddish waves of clouds shower the sky, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Trees gently swayed, following the rhythm of winds, dancing happily through the moment.

'Hm… being jobless again. Where should I start? No confirmation from Fat Uncle. I guess I can sleep there for the time being.'

Mao Nianzu strolled around the plaza as he carefully pondered this. Searching a job required shamelessness. So, he playfully asked some places about job vacancies, but they were full.

It was due to the disappearance of his workplaces. Most of the vacancies were filled by the 'refugees' of workers from his workplaces.

He could not really blame it; they were all capable people with mostly were cultivators.

Accidentally, he returned to the dilapidated house. Cranky door and perforated walls. A castle of his own.

'Until Fat Uncle kicks me out of this house, perhaps I will work in that place.'

There was always one place he could work — charities work. Usually, they were non-profit, but at least he got food from it.

"Now, what should I do? It's been ages since I have free time. I wish I can work… is what I think, but that event has been bothering me ever since. Should I try what the man said? Is a thought sufficient to call him?"

Mao Nianzu muttered. He then picked a flower outside and plucked the petals inside the house, one by one, while saying "do, don't, do, don't."

"Don't? let's clarify." The result could not convince Mao Nianzu, so he picked another flower and plucked its petals again. This time, he stopped at 'Do'.

Just to be sure, he did it again with a few flowers, only to get an annoying result. After he got 'Do', he always got 'Don't' and vice versa.

"I'm going to go crazy, tsk! Let's just do it."

Mao Nianzu quickly cleaned the petals and dirt on the floor. He snatched a robe, making himself look proper.

Then, he lent things from neighbors, such as curtains and some miscellaneous stuff with a reason of maintenance.

After busying himself with dilly dally activity, he let a long breath of satisfaction and wiped sweats on his forehead. Now, the room was appropriately covered — no more perforated walls.

A flash of anticipation passed through his eyes.

"Time to summon."