Against Soon-To-Be in Law

Mao Nianzu caught a sudden halt in Luo Xiulan. Her eyes occasionally stared at one particular ceiling.

He also heard a noise, but he wasn't sure what it was.

"Nothing, Young Master," said Luo Xiulan. Then, she quickly continued the story as if nothing had happened.

"The farmer miraculously last. He lost his family, as well as all villagers. The former fertile land had turned into an abandoned land with no sign of living as far as he could see."

Luo Xiulan spread her hand, reaching the air as though she tried to reach the beloved family that had gone to the afterlife.

Then she pulled her hands, placing them in front of her chest.

"With the remaining water storage, he strived to live."

She fell on one knee, then another knee while touching the back of her hand with her chin.

"This was.." she would soften the voice. "..the best gratitude he could express to the deceased. To his beloved one."

"With this, he grew a habit. Every morning and afternoon, he piled up a rock."

Luo Xiulan revealed her hands. Trembling, she crawled like someone searching for a rock and then grabbed the imaginary rock, putting it in one area.

There was a visible rock, but it was more like a mere trick by Luo Xiulan. She used her spiritual qi and condensed it, forming a ball and rough substance. The appearance was far from the actual rock.

"Pile up again and again in the last string of hope."

She crawled again and again. Channeling her spiritual qi and spreading it on the floor. She picked one qi feeble and another, arranging them in the same area.

"This rock was meant to build so he wouldn't forget the deceased."

Saying so, she stood up. Tossing the vision to the window, she said: "Years later, one traveler passed this land by chance. He witnessed an enormous pile of rocks. Hence, the name Rocky Mountain."

Luo Xiulan finished the story.

In Mao Nianzu's vision, there was a massive mountain. Yet the barren area around had new sprouting grass. This view was entangled with a thought:

'Since Rocky Mountain land is fertile and prosperous right now, I think this scene is the point of view of the passerby. After passing the great disaster, these grasses are the new brand of Rocky Mountain.'

After a moment, like wiping a wet mirror, the vision melted, and Mao Nianzu saw the garden in good shape. Everything was fine.

Pulling his head, Mao Nianzu stared at Luo Xiulan and leaned on the chair comfortably. Although his mind dawdled in the fickle visions during storytelling, he could see what Luo Xiulan did.

The acts and the emotions.

However, Mao Nianzu knew there was something she was supposed to tell. He noticed the lack of emotion when she delivered the latter part.

But he would not ask further. His objective was to know the gist of the story, and he already had a considerable amount of it.

"The sun almost sinks. Let's return," said Mao Nianzu.

Luo Xiulan nodded. And they went out.

Tang Chen still hovered in the air. Watching Luo Xiulan obediently walk side by side with the man, a bitter feeling pierced his heart.

"You say you're paying the price? To what extent?" said Tang Chen in the transmission.

At this moment, Mao Nianzu looked up. It is a natural motion where one feels something is looking at him. He then noticed a man in a white robe wielding a spear.

"It's better to spend your time with him." Mao Nianzu pointed at Tang Chen with his eyes then continued walking.

This was the right time to return. Tang Chen was present; Mao Nianzu directed Luo Xiulan on Tang Chen so he could return with ease without having an additional conversation.

The more he spoke, the more flaws he might expose as a high-profile person.

"Don't do anything stupid. I warn you!" Luo Xiulan sent a transmission to Tang Chen. Externally, Luo Xiulan cupped her fists and then glided upward toward Tang Chen.

"Stop right there!" Right after she sent the transmission, Tang Chen shouted. He swirled up the spear as he ignored the incoming Luo Xiulan.


The spear emitted a faint golden light.

"Humph!" Tang Chen scoffed. At the same time, he launched the spear downward.

Luo Xiulan didn't see it coming. She never expected Tang Chen to so brazenly attack Young Master, albeit her warning.

She watched the golden spear diving through the air at fast speed, not wanting to offend either side.

Despite drawing a line between her fiancée, Luo Xiulan still loved Tang Chen.

It was complicated. On one side, she wanted to rush over so that the sect would be spared. But no! She could not bear seeing Tang Chen get injured.

Clenching her fist nervously, she put her index finger on her spatial ring, ready to call a powerful treasure while anticipating Young Master's retaliation.

Suddenly, a whirlpool of violet petals spun forward at an incredible velocity.


Right before the spear reached Mao Nianzu a few meters away, the whirlpool of violet petals collided with the spear.


The spear slammed to the ground a few feet from Mao Nianzu.

At another end, a pale woman full of sweat flew was stretching her right hand. She had a rough breath.

"Master.." Luo Xiulan gasped.

"Young Master, are you alright?" The woman, Su Shun, hurriedly cupped her fists.

Mao Nianzu was naturally shocked. He didn't expect Tang Chen would attack him out of nowhere. But he assumed it was because of a flame of jealousy.

Tang Chen proudly lifted his chest, looking down at Mao Nianzu but not uttering any word after the attack.

"I am surprised you'll be here," said Mao Nianzu, blaming his shock on Su Shun. He took a deep breath and pulled a proper look at her.

"Did I bother your cultivation again?" Mao Nianzu sighed.

"Thank you for your concern, Young Master," said Su Shun. She then glared at Luo Xiulan fiercely. Luo Xiulan only lowered her head.

Next to Su Shun was a man who looked roughly around forty. This man was one of the figures who greeted Mao Nianzu when he arrived at Rocky Mountain!

He wore a green robe. With a cold bearing, he had a stare showdown with Tang Chen for a brief moment.

But his expression melted when he looked at Mao Nianzu, saying solemnly, "I am ashamed for putting you in this situation. Forgive my incompetence, young master."

At this moment, a tingling sensation crept out of Mao Nianzu's spine.

Unlike his usual self, who often restrains his words, right now, he grew weary with how people recently begged for forgiveness in the first meeting.

"You all ask me for forgiveness. Seems like it's all talk." Mao Nianzu spatted.

He himself didn't realize the change in his tone. However, Su Shun was paled instantly as soon as she heard it.

The amiable Young Master she met several hours ago had changed. He showed a sign of discomfort, with a hint of disgust behind it.

"My name is Fu Zhelan. I come here on behalf of your servant. I greet Young Master," The man cupped his fists. "No need to worry. I will clean this mess."

Luo Xiulan instinctively gripped Tang Chen's hand. She couldn't help trembling while gnashing her teeth in nervousness.

"Xiulan.." Seeing her state, Tang Chen felt an incredible ache gnawing in his heart.

'It's all that bastard's fault! What's up will all people, huh? Bowing down before him everywhere he goes? He performs no deed in any record!'

A flash of disdain and contempt exploded in Tang Chen's eyes.

"Who are you to decide there's something messy?" Mao Nianzu lifted his chin. "Are you referring to him?"

He pointed at Tang Chen with a casual look.

"One person is identified as a mess?" Mao Nianzu asked again.

Fu Zhelan was lost in words. The same applied to Su Shun.

"So, what made you come here?" Mao Nianzu waved his sleeve.

"I am here to inform you of something. However, the situation is inappropriate for us to talk about it," said Fu Zhelan.

"We can talk in the palace," said Su Shun.

"No. Bring me to your place," said Mao Nianzu shortly to Fu Zhelan.

Naturally, Fu Zhelan's face was blooming in excitement. He hurriedly bowed, then summoned two flying swords. Mao Nianzu hopped onto one of them.

They immediately departed, leaving the rest in a daze.

Su Shun slightly stretched her hand, hoping it would stop Young Master from leaving. But it was foolish to think he'd pity her. Thus, she reluctantly pulled it, lowering her hand and turning her body at Tang Chen.

Luo Xiulan turned timid. There were too many things occupying her mind right now. It was that moment when one was in a big dilemma.

Tang Chen acted against her will. That's alright. But the warning she gave just now was very sensible. It was for both of them.

How could Tang Chen disregard her feelings easily? She had no idea.

Meanwhile, Tang Chen was not in the mood to do anything. His anger was still visible. And when he stared at Luo Xiulan, there was a hint of confusion.

As though he said, "Why did you do that?"

He felt like he was wearing a green hat. Just now, the soon-to-be bride was full of emotions with another man.

Although he knew she had such side. But he also knew she wouldn't show it to a stranger. Not even to an elder with unfathomable power.

"Do you think this is your playground? Your little empire?" Su Shun's face turned cold.

As she raised both hands, a fragrant scent suddenly pervaded the air, followed by a series of attacks of a petal hurricane toward Tang Chen.

Tang Chen raised his left hand, opening the palm and aiming it toward the incoming attack.

At the same time, Luo Xiulan was frightened. She subconsciously tightened the grip around Tang Chen's right arm.

From the palm, there was a faint roaring dragon. It bolted fiercely, pouncing against the hurricane a few times.

"This lesson will snap your sense back, for this is not your place to act as you please!"

As Su Shun roared, the hurricane slightly bent over. Brandishing her sword, she entered the hurricane. Shrouded by a violet brilliance, the sword tensed up.


A violent wind was running rampant. Seeing this, the gardeners immediately ran away from the spot.

"Let me go!" Tang Chen pulled his right arm from Luo Xiulan, gripping a sword that appeared out of nowhere.

"I am an emperor!" With a fierce look, Tang Chen growled.

He dived at high speed from the sky, transforming into a golden brilliance. His three left fingers curled inward, leaving his index and middle finger standing beside the glowing sheen, and his right hand shut around the grip.

A huge claw phantom formed, enshrouding Tang Chen's sword.

"Raging Dragon Claw!"