Martial Intent (2)

"What kind of intent is this?" One elder murmured.

"It's hard to distinguish. Since ancient times, Martial Intent is hard to identify, for a martial artist will immerse in an unknown moment." Another elder added.

Speaking of Martial Intent, this was an elusive state. Each has a different effect; it can boost one's cultivation stage, one's battle prowess, one's perception of comprehending Dao, and so on.

According to ancient records, it was extremely rare for someone to have a Martial Intent.

One cannot seek it. It all depends on their heart and will.

And those who had it would be someone that leaves a trace in history!

Until this time, there were a lot of types of Martial Intent. No one knows what the requirement is to gain it, not even those who have it.

Once it knocks on the door, one owns it. If not, don't whine and diligently cultivate!

A few moments after the arrays were established, the representatives stood before the bridge.

The representatives looked at Huang Yue with anticipation, hoping for him to extend the explanation. Not because of his prestige as the Alliance Leader but because he had a Martial Intent!

But when they lay their gaze on him, they caught a rare look; fear and admiration. Eyes wide open but smiling like a maniac. Huang Yue's hands were trembling in excitement.

"Ha-hah-ahahah!" Facepalming, Huang Yue laughed. Of course, the loose laugh would not disturb the youths because the array had already prevented it.

"Sigh, we are a toad in the bottom of a well." He shook his head while stroking his beard. "Who would have thought that twenty-nine martial artists would have a Martial Intent in the same generation? If this news broke out, people would go crazy."

"Isn't it?" Smirking, he found it ridiculous and worth finding out. "I wish I were born in this generation and shelter myself under Young Master. This sight is... unbelievable."

"How long..." Suddenly, the servant interrupted. Seeing the overwhelming yet serene aura rotating slowly around the open pavilion, she was envious. Although many would challenge martial artists with Martial Intent, many would also recruit them. After all, having a Martial Intent meant a better cultivation potential.

Take Huang Yue as the example, who had at least two Martial Intents and became the fearsome Four Winds. People would think that even one Martial Intent would not be far from Huang Yue's achievement.

" long have they been in this state?" The servant repeated her words.

At this moment, Huang Yue's eyes sharpened as he moved at an incredible speed, transforming into a blurry white smoke and circling the array formation.

After he circled one time, Patriarch Yuan knew what Huang Yue's intention. He immediately called out his Fate Treasure, a chest-sized, lustrous green leaf, and activated it while he flew upward.

Sparkling powder fell from the green leaf, scattering around the pond with some being blown by the wind inside the pavilion. As they landed on the youths' bodies, they melted like snowflakes dissolved under the hot sun.

Their bodies glowed in an instant. The sparkling powder had an energy which provided a slight boost that re-enforced breathing as well as blood circulation.

"Is this enough?" Patriarch Yuan asked Huang Yue.

Hovering in the air, Huang Yue replied, "We will wait. Hopefully, it can help them and extend the Martial Intent moment."

Having a little knowledge about Martial Intent, the representatives stood silly, watching their seniors in action.

"Senior, what did you just do?" Phoenix Empress asked.

"It's a perfect time to explain." Huang Yue gracefully landed. He put his hands on the back, staring at the youths. "Martial Intent's moment is as mysterious as Dao. Even if you have the same type of intent, it does not guarantee you will last long in the same duration."

The representatives listened seriously.

"On my first try, this old man lasted an hour barely. It sounds short, but I could not move even an inch for three days afterward." Huang Yue would chuckle with reminiscing. "Come to think of it. It's almost a thousand years after that glorious moment."

Patriarch Yuan interrupted. "Alliance Leader, only if you were born outside of this Grim Dao Era, you would've been in the Transcendent stage..."

"It's all the work of fate." Huang Yue sighed.

"If our ancestors' words are right, then this Grim Dao Era will end before a hundred thousand years after the Heavenly Desolate Space Tribulation." Phoenix Empress reluctantly expressed this thought.

Hearing this, Huang Yue sighed internally. 'I'm ashamed for being a Void Transformation stage. The former Alliance Leader is in Transcendent Stage.'

Because of the Heavenly Desolate Space Tribulation, gateway routes to other worlds were cut off, and spiritual Qi got thinner, causing difficulty in the cultivation journey. As a result, cultivators had a significantly lower cultivation base compared to the previous generation before this Grim Dao Era.

"Whether it happens in our generation, we can only do our best," said Patriarch Yuan.

"At least in this generation," Looking at the youths, Huang Yue smiled proudly. "There will be twenty-nine monsters capable of staying in Martial Intent moment for two days."

The representatives lamented over Huang Yue's words.

Staring at the sky and lifting her chin, Su Shun said while trying to recall something. "Repeat Young Master's words."

The servant plucked the memory and said it at a moderate pace. "A sword is an embodiment of a sword cultivator. Losing it is equal to losing one's life."

"No, not that one." Su Shun shook her head.

"To get the greatest gain, we must determine a clear goal." The servant paused for a moment as recollection appeared in her mind. "Is it pure knowledge or self-satisfaction from hindering people's efforts? Competition and collaboration... the intention differs it. For the following moments, we must ponder these questions... I can't tell the exact words."

"This!" Su Shun frowned. She looked at Huang Yue, asking, "Alliance Leader, should we gather participants outside of these and ask them whether they are in a weird state?"

"Hm? Why so sudden?" Huang Yue furrowed his brows.

"According to Young Master's words, supposedly, the participants spent time pondering the question. If the participants, who leave, did not undergo such a state, then..." Su Shun halted her words as a flash of anticipation burned in her eyes.

Huang Yue's eyes sparkled as he blinked a few times. He quickly approved it and commanded the representatives; some stayed in case the youths woke up, and some dispatched their people to ask the other participants personally.

It did not take long before all participants were asked except a few, such as Xiong Angju. Even so, they could conclude the result as a whole.

After that, the pavilion was strictly guarded. Only people from these representatives stayed.

Plop, plop, plop!

A bubble water noise rapidly sounded. Several experts launched themselves inside the pavilion, piercing the array and saving each unconscious youth who had just finished their Martial Intent moment—all finished at the same time.

"Maintain a good relationship with them." Huang Yue reminded.

After all, this occasion was the best opportunity to recruit the priceless gem to nurture. To prevent unnecessary conflict, Huang Yue let the representatives take one disciple each and leave the rest for the Misty Flowery Palace.

Huang Yue stood quite far from the pavilion, watching the busy experts who performed their medicinal skills toward the unconscious youths.

"Alliance Leader, could martial intent be a gift like this?" Patriarch Yuan asked.

Huang Yue was silent. The result of questioning participants was, all of them had an improvement like the servant did; none of them had Martial Intent except youths who stayed in the pavilion.

This revelation made Huang Yue frightened. He could not help questioning Young Master's method despite knowing his identity. At the same time, he felt ordinary, as though there was an enormous wall separating him and a figure he had never met: Young Master.

'His words are like prophecy. When he says stay, one must stay. Otherwise, something will happen.' Huang Yue pondered. With a heavy emotion, he sighed inwardly. 'Even when I have become someone who everyone looked up to, there's something I did not know about.'

"Still, it does not solve the matter." Though the Martial Intent was indeed an earth-shattering event, Phoenix Empress interrupted them with the main issue; Tang Chen.

Su Shun took a deep breath and then uttered what she and her trusted subordinates had decided: "We are ashamed for receiving priceless gifts after serving him poorly. According to Alliance Leader, Young Master hinted at the last chance to clear our mistake with a requirement not to involve any outsider."

The representatives looked at her intensely.

"We will proceed with a hundred-day campaign, pursuing Tang Chen to let the subject admits his wrongdoing. If he is still hard as a rock in the last ten days, we will offer his head as an example for any offender toward Young Master."

"Are you sure?" Huang Yue was not shocked by the plan. An individual who could gift Martial Intent and a minor emperor, one definitely knows which one is better to take side with.

"Worry not. We have entrusted capable people," Su Shun firmly answered.