I Am a Mortal (2)

Bathed in a vortex windstorm, Tian Shen stood up on the narrow, rectangular floor that was formerly a part of a luxurious room. Only the bookshelf, the oil painting, and table remained, which were protected by a shield Tian Shen cast.

From afar, Yuan Zhen hurriedly flew between bullets of rubble, catching up to Mao Nianzu. "Hold your anger!" Shouting, he rotated his body with a brown iron staff on his shoulder while delivering an attack on Tian Shen.

Forming a firm barrier in front of him, Tian Shen raised his hand, blocking the attack. After that, he flicked his finger as two threads of spiritual Qi shot at a fast speed!

When threads of spiritual Qi hit rubble, they exploded, grinding destroyed walls into smaller pieces.


Yuan Zhen became a meat shield, throwing himself in the direction where most rubble flew toward Mao Nianzu. He wanted to know how Tian Shen and Young Master conversed inside the bamboo curtain, but first, this must be stopped!

In the meanwhile, the two consorts appeared from different directions. As their veil had gone, their bare face was exposed. Both had bruishes, ragged clothes, and frantic expressions—not expecting this turn of events.

Yuan Zhen noticed their presence and immediately shouted. "Soothe him! Get your ass and calm him down!"

Two consorts nodded grimly and called out the same type of treasure. It was a three meters red and green whip, with sharp thorns on the end of it.

"Match our breath." One of the consorts, whose left thigh was exposed and blood dripped from it, husked.

Facing Tian Shen was never an easy thing. In their life, they had a few matches with him and always ended up bad. As a result, Tian Shen had overshadowed them.

Since Tian Shen seemed to lose his mind, the last choice was to stop him. Even if their effort was rendered useless, they could buy time for Yuan Zhen to call support.

Slightly disturbed by their own mind, the two consorts had a bit of struggle to stabilize their breath but eventually succeed, inhaling and exhaling in the same rhythm. Immediately after, they held each other's hand and dashed forward.

Moving at the same pace. Reacting in the same accordance.

Feeling domineering pressure from Tian Shen had increased their concentration to the fullest, and it also amplified their restless senses, forcing them to act decisively.

Even the imperial room with enhanced walls protected by a few layers of arrays could not contain Tian Shen's power.

"Twin-headed Serpentwing Secret Laws Art!"

They lashed out the whip at the same time, as it transformed into a phantom image of a two-headed snake. The right head was red and the left head was green.


It fearlessly pounced Tian Shen, baring its serrated teeth that could chew bones in one bite.

Responding to the attack, Tian Shen casually maneuvered, dodging the snake as though he was playing with a dog in the park.

Even after launching a sequence of attacks, the snake was easily avoided.

Pulling the whip, two consorts were frustrated. They could not reach Tian Shen's body who was shrouded by a thick explosive aura!

"Don't underestimate us!" Letting out a battle cry, two consorts summoned their Fate Wheel. It appeared in front of their front head, emanating a mysterious force as it revolved.

Because of Fate Wheel, the snake's strength was enhanced. It would move faster and aim at the vital point more precisely.

Jumping to the air, two consorts lashed the whip away, sending the same snake but with thicker scale and sharper teeth. It slithered ferociously, despite being extended to seven meters in length and one-meter diameter.

However, it only needed five waves of Tian Shen's hand to cut the thorny part of the whip, as if he sliced a bread, turning the snake into a wisp of smoke in an instant.


Two consorts spurted a mouthful of blood. A treasure bonded to one's soul would give a backlash if it got damaged.

Moreover, the damage was in a crucial area.

Now, the whip had significantly become weaker without those thorns, not much different from an ordinary rope.

If they forced themselves to send another attack, it would heavily rely on their spiritual Qi, which obviously much weaker than Tian Shen's. Otherwise, they would not use the whip to fight him.

Upon this realization, the two consorts only smiled bitterly. They had anticipated the result, yet still felt humiliated when it happened. Not to mention being considerably all out, even summoning their Fate Wheel to strengthen their attack.

This was the big gap. To reach Tian Shen, they must cross the bridge with strong winds occasionally blowing.

Once they fell, only a bottomless pit of bottleneck would lock them up.

Ignoring two consorts, Tian Shen bolted toward Yuan Zhen. His objective was Mao Nianzu, to begin with, and he knew Yuan Zhen would find him.

Meanwhile, Yuan Zhen already caught Mao Nianzu mid-air with his left hand while his right hand gripped a brown iron staff tightly. He rode a flying sword, surfing through the mess while tracing a safe place to land.

He cautiously looked around and placed a glittering token atop Mao Nianzu's chest. Although nothing spectacular happened, this token was a defensive treasure that worked passively, only reacting when danger struck.

Sensing Mao Nianzu's Vital Essence that kept depleting, Yuan Zhen became unrestingly worried.

At this rate, even if he consumed a pill to recover blood, it might be useless. After all, Mao Nianzu received the most damage from Tian Shen directly. Not even Yuan Zhen himself would last from such an overwhelming eruption.

However, a voice coldly husked at his left ear.

"Got you."

As soon as he heard this, Yuan Zhen's eyes shone with killing intent. He quickly swung his staff while his left hand was struggling to hold Mao Nianzu.

On the other side, two consorts had caught up. "Not within our sight!"

They quickly activated their Houtian Physical Armament, Twin-headed Serpentwing Scale. Soon, their skin changed into thick black scales. It had great durability, capable of withstanding a five hundred jin attack!

Without sparing any second, they flashed behind Tian Shen and bodied him fiercely.

"Good way to suicide." Tian Shen let them come to him.

As they collided with Tian Shen's surging aura, the scales rapidly shrunk as though they were corroded by corrosive water.


Before they could reach Tian Shen, all of their scales had gone, and yet, Tian Shen's aura kept corroding their skin. It was like swimming in boiling water, searing their skin uninterrupted.

When they wanted to fly away, they were basically like living fish trying to run away from a hot oil. Violently struggling to get loose, yet they could not even use any technique.

Tian Shen saw their eyes turn white. He casually pushed them outside of his aura. "I've warned you."

Witnessing the two consorts' utter defeat, Yuan Zhen was terrified. He saw Tian Shen coming in his direction as though an emissary of the death had visited him.

Since in the last a hundred years Tian Shen mostly took care of papers and such tiring jobs, Yuan Zhen unknowingly accustomed to his calm and collected bearing.

Only at this moment, he remembered the mighty Tian Shen that no one could trifle with.

"What are you doing?! Why do you suddenly go crazy?!" Yuan Zhen cried out while constantly backing away.

Mao Nianzu blinked his eyes. He felt a strong arm tightly grip his cracked body. And when he glanced at the surrounding, he saw Tian Shen that continuously cause a windstorm of aura.

Smiling, he spoke with relief. "Are you finally admitting that I am a mortal?"

Finally, Mao Nianzu would go to the afterlife. He did not know what awaited him, but he did not like his current life. And he was absolutely aware that in recent events, his opinion had repeatedly changed.

When he thought it was easy to act as a lord, soon after he knew that it was not. Having rich people's life, he was instead fed up and prefer working as usual.

Indeed, money with one's sweats would be multiple times more valuable than a given one.

Yuan Zhen was startled by Mao Nianzu's sudden remark. Nonetheless, he immediately heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that Mao Nianzu was fine.

"Mortal... perhaps it's right." Tian Shen grimly pondered. "Perhaps mortal is not someone that I supposed to mingle with as I usually kill them with ease."

"Good thing that you notify me in advance." He flicked his finger, sending three threads of spiritual Qi to nearby space.

Threads of spiritual Qi exploded; the space rippled slightly, as though a water surface that undulated gently when someone threw a rock.

Yuan Zhen and Mao Nianzu watched Tian Shen's act with confusion.

Right after it stopped, Tian Shen sent another thread of spiritual Qi.


And another.


And another.


He basically put up a firework, sending a series of explosive threads of spiritual Qi but the space only formed a small wave after each attack.

Yuan Zhen had become unceasingly worry. He could not guess what Tian Shen was up to, but he assumed that it was to crush Mao Nianzu's mentality.

"This amount of power won't damage this secret plane's array." Tian Shen nodded in satisfaction.

"As a servant, I must fulfill my master's wish." His index finger was pointed at Mao Nianzu. "Of course, I know that you are a mortal."

"Don't! Take back what you said!" Yuan Zhen was panic-stricken. He immediately released the staff, took several message talismans, and then ripped it with his teeth.

"Have you gone mad?! What has possessed you?" He gulped anxiously then glanced at Mao Nianzu for a while and to the back where he wanted to land before looking back at Tian Shen.