Nefarious Eyes Oversee Darkness (1)

The black disgusting substance, as it stayed on the ground for a while, turned into liquid, melting and shaping a circle as if it was the shadow of the black sphere. It was slightly jiggling like a sponge.

The crack at the bottom of the black sphere poured more black substance before closing.

Because the array formations had been destroyed, the black sphere drifted upward in the clear sky. At this height, clouds beneath the floating island could be seen.

However, beasts nearby were flying farther from this secret plane.

Although these beasts were intrigued by resources inside the secret plane, they were frightened by the black sphere. Even if they dragged their wings or legs to approach closer, their bodies instinctively froze. They knew it naturally.

A few meters under the black sphere was Tian Shen, whose hands stiffened at the side, locked by the invisible hands.

Soldiers who rushed themselves into the black sphere were thrown pathetically to the side. Before they could reach Tian Shen, there was something strong, like entering a strong water current stream. Obviously, they could not go against this current.

It was bad. These soldiers had been in hellish training. Still, as the Imperial Teacher said, no matter how hard they trained, the growth would not be much since they were in the peaceful yet Grim Dao Era that had scarce supply of spiritual Qi.

After all arrogance they displayed to the world, they were ashamed that they could become this useless. Pathetic. Worse than trash.

Bitter looks adorned everyone's faces as they wonder internally how to save Imperial Teacher. Because they were aware that only he was their hope, it was alright to die, for even if they lived, these soldiers' worth couldn't replace Imperial Teacher's.

Moreover, seeing the array formations that several folds greater within the secret plane had turned into smithereens, soldiers sensed their life hung by a thread.

"Get a help to Zither Venerable!" Tian Shen shouted.

Hearing this, one nearby soldier quickly took out a fur skin, from which Tian Shen utilized his divine will to guide blood from his wounded arm to the fur skin.

After one's soul was strong enough, one would gain divine will. It granted the ability to move objects without touching, like that of telekinesis. However, for the size or the distance, that's another further explanation.

Because of the distraction given by the invisible hand and poison, Tian Shen was struggling to even move the blood. The same goes for the soldier who was hit by a relentless strong current. The others went forward and supported this soldier.

After a while, Tian Shen wrote something.

[Nefarious Eyes]

Without sparing any second, the soldier quickly handed the fur skin over to another soldier, because he did not have any power even to move anymore. The strong current had depleted his energy.

The other soldier did not read the content and immediately jumped backward before turning into a blurry shadow.

At this moment, Tian Shen lamented. 'Since Zither Venerable Huang Yue will come, there is a big chance that my identity will be exposed. However, no one nearby is as strong to overcome the black sphere except him.'

The poison was going stronger and drained his stamina. Every time Tian Shen wanted to break out of the invisible hand, this poison would burden his muscles, and he could not help but relax the muscles. Otherwise, his veins would rupture.

'We have come to this extent anyway. Should I expose my Abyssal Chaos? Those slumbering ancestors will come into being if I do so. Even so, it won't guarantee saving Young Master.'

Looking up, Tian Shen was aware that the black sphere could detect a being with the greatest energy, which later it would devour. Thus, it caught him since Tian Shen was the strongest in the nearest area.

'Young Master's other servants!' Tian Shen suddenly remembered.

Undoubtedly. In order to restrain or even destroy this black sphere, the one who had Abyssal Chaos as strong as he would be none other than them. However, a realization struck him.

'They are not in this world. To traverse between worlds, a space gateway is crucial. But after Heavenly Desolate Space Tribulation, the gateway is damaged, and it will be taxing for them to come over. At least their cultivation base will be lower as a consequence.'

Tian Shen heaved a heavy sigh. The first meeting with Mao Nianzu happened in Abyss Realm, but it required enormous energy to open the portal. Besides that, keeping the portal's whereabouts safe required another amount of energy.

Basically, if the higher-being that had deep voice did not drain his energy, meeting through Abyss Realm would be impossible.

Though there was a means to send the signal towards the other three servants, Tian Shen carefully contemplated whether he must use it right now. Not to mention one message was insanely expensive, combining many techniques similar to creating Abyss tunnel to keep the world ignorant about it as well.

Everything must be done in secrecy. Otherwise, the world would be aware of Abyss Creatures, turning whole plans into failure. What comes afterward would be endless pursuit.

"Watch from the side and save your energy," commanded Tian Shen.

As he noticed the black sphere suction was getting weaker, Tian Shen did not struggle anymore and let himself be embraced while saving energy.

Unfortunately, the black sphere was secretly diverting its power to a different area. Soon after, the black sphere throbbed and pulsated.


It had a faint heartbeat and whenever it pulsated, everyone's heart was also pumped, as though the black sphere forced them to.


Even though the black sphere had a long pause before pulsing again, its heartbeat was more vivid after one another. Like a conductor of a song, it guided everyone to pump their heart uncontrollably.

Thump! Thump!

The seventh and eighth beat knocked in one knock.


But the ninth beat knocked once, pausing for a while before pulsating again.

Everyone got scared by it.

How could they not? Since their heart also beat and they were conscious of it. Their mind was somehow focused on each beat, like the effect of drinking too much coffee, which resulting in having a powerful heartbeat. One felt it too real.

Until the thirteenth beat, the heartbeat noise sounded once each. But afterward, it constantly increased. From once, twice, until thrice in a row.

People felt their chest was like a drum, with a drumstick hitting it within. It was somehow painful, although supposedly heartbeat was a sign of one's life.

Then when the black sphere pulsated four times in a row, two soldiers suddenly exploded while parts of their bodies spread over all around the place. Not even themselves got a premonition that their heart would rupture.

"I am unfortunately right." Tian Shen sighed. What he wrote to Zither Venerable was merely bait. To think that bait was true…

"Nefarious Eyes oversee Darkness."

As Tian Shen stated this, a line formed in the black sphere, from which a small vertical gap shown. It was like a snake's eye, with a thin red line filling the vertical gap.

As the vertical gap formed, it created a rattling noise that attracting soldiers' attention. When they saw it, they could not help exclaiming. "Nefarious Eyes oversee Darkness!"

This was a saying from legends with unknown source. Everyone knew it because it was heavily told the tale of Obsidian Monarch, a peerless ancestor who had overcome many difficulty.

Before Obsidian Monarch disappeared without reason, the legend said he left a few things, including this sentence which he repeated three times, all of which were stated during the war of his world conquer.

However, only one scene depicted the said Nefarious Eyes. That was when he fought against the Otherworldly Being who sneaked into this world.

He said, "Nefarious Eyes oversee Darkness. A pulse can't amount to a life, an eye can't amount to a world, a sanctuary can't hide the deepest fear."

Various memories flashed within soldiers' minds, causing them to doze off and stay unmoved. Tian Shen's soul was so strong that he could retain his sanity, but it would not be long before Nefarious Eyes dug secrets within his soul.

At this moment, Tian Shen understood Zither Venerable wouldn't be enough. Thus, he quickly switched his energy, transforming into the true form of his true name.


He engraved it within his mind as his soul grew excessively stronger. His body turned darker, emanating blood-lust. He must go all out!

A halo of complicated illusion on his back, circled by eight red, dreadful swords, emitting deep killing intent. This halo was like hell belonged to a devil lord, erupting occasionally. Falling into this halo was equal to falling into a lava pool, with no chance of survival.

Slowly, other soldiers also switched their energy, turning into different creatures. Some had a pair of small wings on their backs, small horns on their forehead, or thick scales on their skins. What bizarre was that some had their face melted, turning into ugly creatures that kept drooling their saliva.

With this, they all could slightly resist the Nefarious Eyes' heartbeat. After all, they belonged to the same origin: Abyss.