Sizhui was not sure whether his current experience was a nightmare or a joke, it certainly was bizarre.
First, he had been kind of kidnapped by someone claiming to be a cultivator.
Next, after he had taken that person, under duress, to what he called a confluence - the spot at the north most point of the island where a continuous, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller flow of lava dropped into a large ocean laguna through a high and wide natural stone arc - at the moment the stranger had summoned, then drawn his sword, a howling sea cyclone had suddenly born down on them, ripping his barque out of the water and dispensing ship and content, including himself and his self-invited guest, somewhere across the area of its fury.
Which had, third, lead to him landing not far off the end of one of the semi circular land extensions that enclosed the inlet, in unbelievably calm sea under bright sunshine.