The So-Called Gods Are Fraud (2)

A gasp could be heard through the small audience, a woman even fainting. And then I was back. Confused, but my body had been returned. 

"Thank you for your help young man, you may go back. We shall call upon your services at a later date." The familiar voice spoke with authority and a hint of betrayal. 

I seemed to have been a pawn in their games and was now being tossed aside now that a passage straight to the king had been secured. I was led away, knocked out one more, back to where I used to beg.

A few days passed. 

The streets were eerily quiet nowadays, the few pedestrians being as cautious as the beggars I had known for years. Something had happened to disrupt the peace. I needed to find out what. I didn't have to look far to understand what had gone down. 

The cobalt trench coat was unmistakable and it sat there on the front page of the newspaper. A name was written next to it, a name with a title. 

The title of King.