Chapter 23: What has sunk, shall rise again (part 6)

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Date: January 2001

Location: (redacted)

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The local library always had a warm, cozy vibe in it as for as long as I could remember. It was a perfect spot to hang around in a rainy day or during the winters when they'll have the fireplace set up.

I remember when I was way younger–maybe somewhere around five or six years old–I would often laze around this place during some particularly chilly Saturday afternoons in winter breaks, comfortably warm and bundled up in hand-knit scarves and mittens mom would make for me while my dad would be sitting right next to me, book in hand, already lost to another world thanks to a good story.

Ah, the memories of my youth...

(Looking back on it now, no wonder I grew up with a love for books, writing for a living to boot as well... I guess I really had my Dad to thank for that.

Well, thanks Dad.)