

Chapter 76 - Ji, You

There will never be a more awkward scene than this one.

The two enemies are standing in the middle of the living room, and a battle is about to break out. But on the television, the sounds of kissing and flirtatious conversations become more and more explicit.

Jiang Luo froze for a moment as his murderous aura was suspended in mid-air, then recovered as if nothing had happened.

When it comes to cheekiness, Jiang Luo easily has no equal.

He ignored the TV's surprise and watched Chi You warily.

The evil spirit, however, was unexpectedly focused on the contents of the television.

The sex scene between the hero and heroine is filmed in an unexplained manner. Hands are intertwined, necks are intertwined, the man's hand goes down, brushing the waistline.

Chi You is all eyes and ears.

This was his room, but he rarely turned on the television or watched such programmes.

"Hey," the dark haired youth's cold voice rang out as a golden python snapped towards Chi You, "I'm still here, what are you looking at."

Chi You dodged the blow and his eyes were back on the TV.

During the night of Jiang Luo's torment, a fire had risen in his heart. But it wasn't anger or murderous intent, it was a strange, inexplicable emotion. Chi You didn't know what it was, but he had an irritation that had nowhere to go.

A fire with nowhere to go naturally causes irritation to rise.

When Jiang Luo lifted him up in the bathtub to tease him, Chi You naturally pressed up against him, but he was more than a little upset after the airing.

As to why.

How can the evil spirits know this?

But Chi You hid such feelings well, smiling on the surface, but his heart grew more twisted and depressed.

The images shown on the television at this time are of particular interest to Chi You.

Most of his mind was on the screen, and even as the golden python looked back to attack, Chi You was attacked so tightly that he couldn't dodge it.

There was a sharp burning pain from the wound.

Even the body made of stone could not withstand such a ferocious blow, and blood dripped down from his back onto the ground, creating a small puddle in an instant.

Chi You A line of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he looked down at the bloody puddle on the floor and raised his hand, wiping the blood from the corner of his lip.

Jiang Luo said, "Your stone statue's body is as soft as a living person on the surface, but its essence does not change, it is in fact hard. But you are also right."

He held out his hand and the golden python flew to his body, its tail wrapping around his hand from his shoulder.

The golden light falls on Jiang Luo's side, making the dark-haired young man look as impersonal as a god.

"The Yin-Yang Ring, indeed, can heavenly grasp you."

"I would have had a good time ... but you always like to insert the unexpected at the door. Wouldn't it be better if you let me behave and get my last few deaths back again with a vengeance, and then discuss the rest of the feud afterwards?"

Jiang Luo whispered softly, "Chi You, why are you always such a downer?"

On the TV, the male lead's hand had gone under the hem of his shirt.

Chi You withdrew his eyes from the television, and he once again wiped the last of the blood with the back of his hand and said, "You did a good job tonight."

Like a true teacher, he stood as a spectator and said, "You have completely overpowered me."

"No weakness of heart and no ambiguity," Chi You smiled, "those experiences would have caused my spirit to suffer deathly pain, except that the peculiarities of the stone statue's body left me unscathed on the surface."

"Oh, and by the way," he added politely, "the Fu Lu you made me drink into my stomach, worked like a charm."

Even though Chi You was beginning to recover from his period of weakness, he still suffered more or less internal injuries as a result of these Fu Lu and tactics.

"But there is a pity," Chi You regretted, "that when you use such a technique against humans, they will be driven mad by you. Against ordinary ghosts, they would be scared out of their wits."

He said, lifting his steps towards Jiang Luo.

Chi You grabbed the snake's head with his hand and it turned into Yin Hu and bit him on the leg.

Yin Hu cannot bite Yuan Tianzhu, but it can be embedded in the body of a living idol.

Blood flowed from Chi You's thigh.

Chi You ignores Yin Hu and continues to walk towards Jiang Luo at a constant pace, the sense of crisis and pressure in each step so strong that it takes your breath away.

It was as if he felt no pain.

"But you shouldn't use it against me." Chi You said.

"I've experienced countless pains like this, and some much more than this. After feeling this much, it's nothing to me," Chi You said flatly, "Jiang Luo, you're using me in the wrong way."

He had walked up to Jiang Luo.

Black blood dripped onto the floor and the smell of blood hit the nose.

Even so, Chi You doesn't change his expression for a moment.

As he said, such pain was simply not enough of a deterrent for him.

After a man, or an evil spirit, has no fear of the pain of death, nothing can punish them any more.

Jiang Luo calmly retracted Yin Hu and humbly asked for advice, "So what should I use on you?"

"I have killed you eighteen times," the evil spirit laughed in a low voice, "and you have become all the more surprising to me because of it; it is not enough for you to want revenge back with such means; it is only right that you should hit me on the pain."

"For instance," he hung his head slightly, lowering his eyes to meet the dark-haired youth's, "you're making me ... right now."

He thought for a moment and picked out an adjective, "Annoying."

This irritation is not the usual irritation, or perhaps it is not irritation, but something Chi You cannot describe. It's like a breath of air that hangs in the air, making Chi You gloomy and hostile.

Both want Jiang Luo to live and want Jiang Luo to die.

I wanted to see him on the verge of death, but I didn't think that would be enough.

Jiang Luo frowns.

Chi You's Yu Guang is once again cast from the side of his face onto the television.

The hero and heroine on TV are kissing again.

Chi You was thoughtful as he looked at Jiang Luo's face, the knot in his throat rolling up once more.

He takes a step forward and Jiang Luo takes an expressionless step back. In between, Jiang Luo's knees hit the sofa, and he fell backwards onto it, caught off guard.

The evil spirit laughed silently as he sat down gracefully, tugging Jiang Luo by the ankle and violently pulling the human into his arms.

Jiang Luo sits with his legs apart on either side of Chi You, the evil spirit locking him in his arms, sweat mingling with the heat from the fight, breath rolling in, moisture steamed into a thin mist by the heat.

Chi You didn't know what he was going to do, but he knew, and he could always find out why in Jiang Luo.

He smiled and bowed his head, his hand casually resting on Jiang Luo's back.

The moment the palm of his hand was pressed against it, the unexplained desire and anxiety of the extreme pull intensified. Chi You's breathing became slightly faster, and something in his heartless chest seemed to skip a beat again.

The heart of the stone statue, inscribed by Jiang Luo and placed on the coffee table, also began to beat.

"Flutter, flutter, flutter."

The whole room seemed to be hiding a drumbeat.

The evil spirit's smile grew wider and wider as he said, eerily and eerily, "Interesting."

He was more than ready to figure out what this inexplicable emotion he was feeling was all about.

"Shh," he said moodily, "watch a bit of TV with me."

He looks up, holding Jiang Luo, his eyes on the television. But his hand travels down Jiang Luo's back, the invisible desire fleeing in his palm. Jiang Luo's forehead jumped, "Chi You, what are you doing?"

A murderous confrontation has taken a sharp turn for the worse, a course that Jiang Luo does not understand at all.

He was about to release Yin Hu again, but Chi You inexplicably buried his head down by Jiang Luo's neck the next instant, the evil spirit's hand pinching the brunette's lower jaw, forcing him to tilt his head back, his swan neck long and his skin glowing clean.

There are also droplets of water sliding down the side of the neck, running in an ambiguous, damp trail.

The evil spirit's eyes looked obscurely for a few seconds before suddenly opening its lips and licking over the water mark.

Jiang Luo struggled with both hands and grunted stifledly, "You fucking-"

The next instant, the evil spirit coldly and mercilessly gagged on his lips.

Jiang Luo hadn't expected this, and in his brief moment of uncertainty, the evil spirit had driven straight in.

Jiang Luo's dripping shirt is pulled upwards in several folds as the hand behind him moves hard and unsuccessfully.

The evil spirit's gesture is strong and Jiang Luo is not allowed to refuse. Jiang Luo's eyes blaze with fire and suddenly he clutches the evil spirit's collar and kisses him back viciously.

At the moment, he could not afford to think about it, only the thought of "not losing to Chi You" came to the fore.

The dry, fiery kiss seemed to ignite a fire, and Chi You's emotions came out in a torrent, overpowering all other thoughts in an instant.

Chi You is still not available.

His grip on Jiang Luo's neck became heavier and heavier as he gasped for breath. Jiang Luo didn't know if he wanted to strangle himself or kiss him to death, and he pulled him away with the same nonchalance, wrapping the whip around Chi You's neck.

But pulling away from the evil spirit was extremely difficult, and the spirit was frighteningly focused. It was as if he was pulling a starving man away from a delicious meal, and it took Jiang Luo all his strength to get the evil spirit to back away.

The dark-haired youth breathed in the fresh air.

Two long, smooth legs dangled from either side of Chi You's legs, and the evil spirit looked down at the edge of the dark-haired youth's shirt, which had revealed the last layer of defensive clothing beneath.

The evil spirit's eyes, scarlet and bloody, crawl up like spider veins.

He seems to have recovered his senses, raising his hand to rub Jiang Luo's crimson lips in a slow and deliberate manner, a smile eluding him at the corners of his mouth.

But in every movement, it seems that there is still some kind of slime-like crisis ready to pounce on Jiang Luo, a slime that is calm on the surface, but in reality is even more dark and raging, ready to swallow the black-haired youth if he is not careful.

Jiang Luo has goosebumps.

He tried to get up from Chi You, but his legs were bound by the mist that came out of the ground. He had Chi You by the neck, and Chi You had him by the legs.

Jiang Luo's face was hard as he glanced at Chi You's suit and then at his own shirt, which barely covered his body, and his brain hurt like a thorn in his side.

Not good.

A long-lost sense of eccentricity once again surfaced in his mind.

And behind it, Chi You's hand suddenly slides down.

Slips past the waistline and over the nape.

It's still going down ...

Jiang Luo's scalp tingled and he scolded with a grimace, "Chi You, if you want to disgust me, just say so, why do you have to make such a show of yourself?"

But as soon as the words left his mouth, Jiang Luo sensed something was wrong.

His expression freezes for a moment and he bows his head stiffly - a simple gesture that takes Jiang Luo a long time to perform.

He felt something.

It was resting against his thigh.

When Jiang Luo saw what it was, he abruptly held his breath, his pupils clenching in disbelief.

"You're fucking ..." Jiang Luo's voice floated in the air, not touching the ground, "You're reacting?"

In this moment, Jiang Luo instantly understood that what was disgusting or not was all about him judging himself, and that the evil spirit was not disgusting, but that he even had a desire for him!

How is this possible?

Chi You didn't want to kill him?

Aren't they completely feuding?

But the facts are in front of us.

Jiang Luo froze for a long time before he drifted back into a trance.

In addition to his subconscious disgust, Jiang Luo felt an overwhelming sense of vanity and smugness.

What about days.

Chi You, who has a huge following in the original and thousands of fans outside the original, surprisingly lusts after him.

Jiang Luo also just tortured Chi You overnight.

Is this a desire to be fucked by him?

You know that in the clips Jiang Luo has seen, Chi You has never had any thoughts about Feng Li either.

Jiang Luo couldn't help but laugh out loud.

His smile is lustrous, with a faintly malicious and charming mockery, Jiang Luo's voice suppressed, his laughter concealed, his hair falling in silky waves over the side of Chi You's face as he holds the evil spirit's head, looking at Chi You with a piercing and meaningful gaze.

"Mr. Wicked," he spat with heat in his breath, "I can't believe you're having thoughts about me."


Chi You narrowed her eyes and gripped the side of his waist unobtrusively, "What's the idea?"

Jiang Luo smiled, "Evil thoughts."

He stifled a few laughs, his malice showing through.

"So you want to have sex with me. ... It's not like I couldn't consider banging you once if you begged me."

Jiang Luo bowed his head, his nostrils spraying ambiguously, first giving people hope and then immediately throwing cold water on them, shattering those hopes himself, "But I dislike you very much right now, you ask for someone, then ask until it makes me happy."

"Get into bed." After a long moment, the evil spirit murmured, "So that's it."

He tapped his fingers on Jiang Luo's thigh and realization dawned on him, followed by a slow smile towards Jiang Luo, "So that's the desire."

Jiang Luo frowns.

There was a sudden knock at the door.

It was the voice of the hostess aunt, "Who's in there?"

Jiang Luo subconsciously glanced out, but the next moment the evil spirit had him by the waist and pinned him back against the sofa. The sofa made a loud, uncomfortable thud and Chi You lowered his head and buried it in Jiang Luo's ear.

" Jiang Luo, teacher thank you so much."

Jiang Luo's earlobe suddenly hurt as the evil spirit lifted his head with blood on his lips and frivolously ran his fingers through Jiang Luo's lips and touched Jiang Luo's teeth.

"It gives the teacher an idea of how to express that desire."

The evil spirit's smile grew wider, "I'll see you tonight."

His hand ambiguously moves down and rubs Jiang Luo's neck threateningly, "I hope that in time, you can satisfy this desire of mine."

"Or," his handsome face was as devilishly deceptive, "I kill you oh."

After a threat that seems both joking and serious, a bathrobe comes and wraps itself around Jiang Luo and Chi You disappears.

The hostel aunt opened the door at the same time, and after seeing the mess in the room, she exclaimed, followed by Jiang Luo, who was covered tightly in a bathrobe on the sofa.

The aunt was startled and rushed out to call the dean.

On the sofa.

Jiang Luo yanked off the robe covering him, his eyes sinister, his mouth as if biting into someone's flesh, "Chi, u."

Posted on 11/12/2021

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