

Chapter 79 - Last round

Jiang Luo didn't hesitate to slap it on the face.

He laughed inwardly, almost unable to keep the sadness off his face at the sheer exhilaration of it. But life is like a play, and Jiang Luo holds his script steady, saying disheartenedly, "You weren't like this before, Chi You."

"You wouldn't have said something like that before ..."

He turned his head sideways, not wanting to look at this old lover who had changed his appearance, and tried to be calm, "I don't want to see you now, I want to be alone to calm down, go away."

The room is silent, a pin drop can be heard.

The crowd didn't even dare to gasp for breath. Qi Ye, who had been on the verge of a rage one second, was now in a soaring mood, sitting honestly still, the little anger and jealousy in his heart having long since turned to honey syrup.

Jiang Luo was willing to fight Chi You for him ...

Qi Ye's heart was pounding, and he had already forgotten about Chi You's words.

Wen Renlian and Zhuo Zhongqiu, next to him, exchange a look.

Zhuo Zhongqiu nodded secretly, thinking with relief that Jiang Luo was finally coming to his senses.

In just a few moments together, they discover the difference between Chi You as an evil spirit and when he was alive, and if only Jiang Luo could discover these differences, he would be able to break free from his feelings of the difference between human and ghost.

In this way, tonight's meeting was a good thing in reverse.

But the evil spirits are not in a wonderful mood.

The suit-wearing villain is elegant and charming. He is supposed to be a manipulator watching the clowns from above, not a being to be slapped in the face.

Chi You rubs the side of his face, looking at Jiang Luo with mixed feelings.

No one could tell if he was angry or sad, but everyone was alert and watching his every move.

But the evil spirit suddenly smiled, and he whispered, "Excellent."

"Where I've changed," he said as he stood up, "you can discuss it more closely with me tonight."

He is considerably taller than Jiang Luo and his black figure is very oppressive. Before Chi You could approach Jiang Luo, Wen Renlian blocked Chi You's path.

The students, who had previously treated Chi You with courtesy and respect, were tough, "Chi You, Jiang Luo said he wanted to be left alone."

Chi You looked at them with a blank face.

Zhuo Zhongqiu, who is naturally sensitive to spirits, felt an extreme sense of danger that was cutting into her scalp. Cold sweat broke out at the corners of her forehead, and with little hesitation Zhuo Zhongqiu pushed Jiang Luo towards the door under the cover of the crowd, "Go!"

Behind the evil spirit, a hideous black mist spreads across the floor, as if the next moment it could involve the few people in Jiang Luo's way in a slaughterhouse of killing.

"It breaks your teacher's heart to see you all like this," Chi You took a step forward again, the men in his way took a step back in unison and the evil spirit sighed, "After all, we are still acquainted."

Jiang Luo is held back by several men, his feet frozen in place and hesitant to move.

Sai Liaoer saw that he was not leaving and waved his hand at him again anxiously, "Jiang, run!"

When he was anxious, his tongue tied and he said incoherently, "It's not going to hurt, good teacher."

Jiang Luo knew what he was trying to say: teachers are good people and won't hurt us.

Jiang Luo, however, is not as optimistic as they are.

No one knows better than Chi You how ruthless and heartless he can be.

He seems to have no bottom line, no distinction between good and evil, sinking deep into the sludge and stirring up a sludge to make it even darker. Can you expect such a person to have a good heart and humanity?

Jiang Luo knew that his companions were not easy to deal with and that all together they were strong enough to resist the evil spirits and allow him to escape.

At most, someone will be seriously injured or die for blocking Chi You.

Who is it?

It could be Ye Xun, it could be Lu Youyi, or it could be Kuang Zheng, who is at the front of the pack and does the most but says the least.

It is also possible that no one will get hurt, after all Chi You is not facing one or two people.

Jiang Luo is still standing.

He had started with the intention of making up lies so that they would be his shield when Chi You came to kill him. Now that it's happened, what's he still struggling with?

Run, walk, do you really want to be threatened into bed by an evil spirit?

But Jiang Luo inexplicably became concerned about what to do if someone got hurt.

Humans are not evil spirits, Chi You arms can grow back when they are broken, but if they break their arms and legs, won't they become cripples?

He was even thinking, absurdly, that it was better to go to Chi You once, than to have a companion injured or killed.

This is clearly at the opposite end of the spectrum from Jiang Luo's original intention.

Jiang Luo was annoyed by this inexplicable thought.

Jiang Luo took a deep breath and looked up from the crowd to meet Chi You.

Jiang Luo's heart tightened, and he felt a thick sense of malice from Chi You in an instant.

Pure murderous intent surfaced as Jiang Luo and Chi You looked at each other, and in a moment he could understand what the evil spirit was thinking.

Chi You won't kill him because Chi You still has a strong interest in him.

But others ... may not be so sure.

Jiang Luo clenched his fist as he hesitated no longer and turned to walk out the door, but as he turned sideways, the tail of his eyes swept provocatively over Chi You and his finger reached out and hooked at the evil spirit.

The tail of the dark-haired youth's hair disappears behind the door.

The evil spirit watched his back as he took a long moment to withdraw his eyes and nod gracefully towards the crowd that had stopped him, "It was a pleasant meeting tonight."

"Goodbye, everyone."

After saying this, Chi You looked over at Qi Ye.

He looked at Qi Ye as if he were looking at a mass of rotting rubbish, or a dying ant. The evil spirit laughed softly and said, "Be careful on your way back tonight."

After he said these words meaningfully, he was surrounded by black mist in a flash and disappeared.

Chi You was originally motivated to kill.

Jiang Luo's hand pushed his anticipation to the top.

He didn't want Jiang Luo to die, but the other people watching the scene, he wanted them to die.

But the finger that Jiang Luo hooked up to him really took his whole attention away.

Outside the shop, by now the lights were rising and it was late at night.

The market is still crowded, and Jiang Luo dashes through the crowd so fast that the last person has just seen his form, and the next moment his tresses fly past like the wind.

The metaphysical people are in great shape, and Jiang Luo is as amazing as a cool runner when he runs after so much physical training. He was getting faster and faster and looked back as he sprinted full steam through a traffic light.

A black mist, invisible to ordinary people, weaved its way through the crowd and came straight after him.

Sure enough, they came after us.

Jiang Luo hooked his lips, turned back and ran towards the largest part of the crowd. The bigger the crowd, the heavier the yang energy, so at least it would slow Chi You down.

One ordinary, peaceful night, one man and one ghost engaged in a great escape known only to each other. They knew by heart what the consequences of being caught would be, and equally knew that this would be the last round.

Jiang Luo snickers inwardly.

Even though he had taken the initiative to seduce Chi You, he was still upset. Chi You is a dog?

After ten minutes of running, Jiang Luo's breathing became laboured, and as he watched the road, he suddenly heard the noise of drums and gongs coming from the other side of the street around the corner.

Jiang Luo instantly remembered what Wen Renlian had said, that on both days there would be a parade of a hundred ghosts played by humans.

Without hesitation, Jiang Luo rounded the corner and dashed into the street.

The street was filled with young people in all sorts of ghostly costumes. Domestic ghosts, foreign ghosts, zombies and vampires were standing together for photos, and at a glance, a whole street was blocked with demons.

Free costumes are available on both sides of the street and passers-by are welcome to join in the fun. As there was no charge, the largest number of people played the role of a brat - six out of ten at a glance.

Jiang Luo tugged on a ghost costume and scurried into the parade of a hundred ghosts, draping his cheap black ghost robes and donning a ghastly white mask with distorted features, he became one of the mediocre ghosts.

He kept a low profile as he walked along with the crowd when a girl playing a brat beside him suddenly said, "There's a handsome man coming in!"

Jiang Luo looked up and saw Chi You walking unhurriedly into the street, standing in front of the crowd and glancing towards them.

The smell of speckled strangers was everywhere, and the masculine aura was so pervasive that the evil spirits were not too fond of it.

"Hard to do." He muttered to himself, "I can't believe it's hidden here."

At a glance, he could not tell who Jiang Luo was.

Posted on 11/15/2021

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