

Chapter 97 - Sparring on deck

The evil spirit sounded dangerous.

Having not seen Chi You for almost a week, Jiang Luo's mood, which had been as calm as dead water, was suddenly shaken by his sudden appearance.

Annoyance, ridicule, excitement, anger and repressed teasing ...

Nerves that were unbelievably normal in front of his friends throbbed and twisted into the shape of a madman once again.

Jiang Luo was expressionless, wondering why Chi You always bothered him at critical moments. But a deep stirring in his soul awakens, and the excitement of a rivalry against the pressure of a chess match almost makes his lips curl.

The decks swayed and the sea breeze sent up huge waves that beat heavily against the cruise ship.

Jiang Luo knew what Chi You meant, and the evil spirit was obviously still remembering what he had said to him: "I'm tired of playing with you".

But he knew that, and he deliberately said something even more fiery.

"It's disgusting to watch these two fish roll around," Jiang Luo said, "but it's more fun than tormenting you. After all, I only played with you for twenty minutes before I got bored of you."

But honestly, if he had to choose between the evil ghost behind him and the two fish in front of him, Jiang Luo would rather risk his life trying to teach the evil ghost than watch these two fishy, slippery fish roll around on the deck.

The hand cupping his jaw tightened abruptly, Chi You's tone lifted, "All the more reason for me to take a look."

The evil spirit looks out from Jiang Luo's ear to the deck.

A bolt of lightning suddenly lit up the sky, tearing through the night. The roar was deafening, a storm was coming.

In a moment of violent light between heaven and earth, the female and male fish tumbled together, the slime on the floor recoiling in a cold glow. The weight of the two fish, seven or eight hundred pounds, caused the floor to shake slightly.

Chi You looks on with interest.

Such things would have made him uninterested, even to look at them. Now, however, he has a little more patience to look at it.

Jiang Luo's brow twitched, instantly recalling the memory of Chi You being taught what lust was by a TV show.

These two fish being watched by Chi You won't teach this pervert how to have sex, will they?

As a precautionary measure, Jiang Luo stepped back and planted his foot heavily on Chi You's. With his hands free, he quickly attacked the evil spirit with the Snake, while he charged towards the blood eel.

When the male smells a human coming closer and is disturbed in his courtship, he growls low and furiously, his sharp teeth wide open, warning Jiang Luo to stay away.

Jiang Luo ignored its warning and as he ran into the slippery slime zone, he squeezed down and borrowed the inertia of his assisted run to glide rapidly towards the two fish.

He held a dagger made of golden talisman culture in his hand and his eyes were sharp.

The slime reduces the friction to the limit and just as he is about to reach the blood eel, the male, who is holding the female down, swings his tail viciously at Jiang Luo. With one hand on the ground, Jiang Luo changed direction beautifully to avoid the male's tail, and when he was about to hit him, he stepped on the blood eel's body and leapt backwards in a graceful backflip into the air. Jiang Luo stabbed downwards with the knife in his hand from the back to the head of the male and landed cleanly and handsomely in the next moment.

The dark-haired youth's set of attacks was well thought out and beautifully lithe. As he flipped up and slashed the male fish's spine in the air, his black hair flowed loose, flailing and arrogant in the sea breeze.

The gaze of the evil spirit who was dealing with the serpent was unconsciously fixed on his body, his eyes sweeping like substance over the thighs exposed by the slipping of the bathrobe as the dark-haired youth leapt up.

The look is as viscous as venom, but unfortunately the bare, tight legs are only exposed for a brief moment, and Jiang Luo is on the floor in the next moment, his robe falling to his knees.

The evil spirit sighed, feeling an overwhelming sense of pity. His gaze lingered on Jiang Luo's body. From his neck to the back of his hand, from his calf to his ankle, in the moment he was distracted, the silky snake got close to him for the first time and managed to bite into the evil spirit's arm.

The pain returned the evil spirit's attention for a moment, and the evil spirit looked down unconcernedly at the serpent and towards Jiang Luo once more.

The dark-haired youth had noticed his sight and he wiped the blood that had splattered down his face onto the male fish, glancing at him nonchalantly and reaching up to straighten his clothes back out.

Under the dark clouds of the tumbling night, jade-coloured cold hands smoothed out the bathrobe and the atmosphere on the fishy deck suddenly became slightly odd.

The human and the evil spirit stand apart across the bloody eel, blood spurting from the male's spine like a tiny bloody fountain.

The male flipped around in pain and rolled off the female. He looked at Jiang Luo in anger, his hatred for humans outweighing his instinct to seek pleasure, and the male was on the ground heading quickly towards Jiang Luo.

The mermaid monster is fast, with human-like limbs supporting its heavy body, looking like a disgusting-looking crocodile, but crawling twice as fast.

Jiang Luo withdrew his hand and refocused his eyes on the male. The danger of a face-to-face fight with a male fish was much higher than the one he had just sneaked up on. The male's teeth are as sharp as a shark's, and if he bites him, his bones will be shattered in no time.

Jiang Luo had just taken advantage of the fact that the males were not focused on him, and it was best not to fight them hard when facing them head-on. His Yu Guang scanned the perimeter of the deck before suddenly turning and running towards the handrail.

The male fish instantly went after him.

The rain finally fell with a loud boom as beans crashed to the ground.

Jiang Luo's body was clad only in a bathrobe and a jacket. His freshly washed hair was instantly drenched by the rain, and the boat was shaken by the storm, which mixed with the slime of the bloody eels on the deck, turning it into the same effect as an ice rink.

The rain blinds Jiang Luo's vision and rolls from the corner of his forehead to his lower jaw. The blood of the male fish mingles with the rain and flows down to his lips, and Jiang Luo tastes a little fishy. He takes off his jacket quickly and wraps it in a rope around his hands.

The male fish was in hot pursuit, his footsteps coming closer and closer. Jiang Luo's speed is also increasing. He pulls up a smile, and suddenly he reaches the limit of his speed, bends and slides through the gap at the bottom of the railing and out of the boat!

As he fell off the boat, he saw the human tethered to the railing waving at him with a big smile, and a few seconds later, there was a loud "poof" from the surface.

The male fish is in the water.

Jiang Luo, who had wrapped his jacket around the railing and was tugging himself up, looked out at the deep sea, laughed twice and climbed back on deck from the outside of the boat with a smile on his face.

Halfway up the climb, in the pouring rain, a pair of leather shoes appeared in his hand.

Jiang Luo looked up and saw that Mr. Evil's meticulous hair was dishevelled by the rain, the tips dripping and hanging gloomily on the side of his face, dense with a ghostly aura on that extremely handsome face.

The head of the serpent was cupped in his hand, the golden python wrapped tightly around his arm, the arm and the serpent frozen to each other, neither letting go of the other.

Chi You has arrived in its own right.

Jiang Luo thought, "I almost forgot there was a tougher one here.

He glanced behind the evil spirit and the female blood eel had crawled away.

Jiang Luo's gaze shifted back.

He couldn't figure out why Chi You was on this boat again.

It has also been specifically changed back to the body.

Each of Chi You's actions has a strong purpose. But this time, Jiang Luo couldn't quite figure out what Chi You was up to.

With all this on his mind, Jiang Luo did not forget to climb onto the deck in case the evil spirit threw him into the sea again. When his knees touched the deck, Jiang Luo was unhappily ready to stand up, "Have you seen enough?"

Climbing up from under the railing, the dark-haired beauty is like a bewitching siren, with a supple waist and smooth, uncompromisingly powerful body curves.

The evil spirit's eyes are dark as he bends down and palms Jiang Luo's head forcefully.

Chi You has never been more excited by a look or a gesture from anyone.

He prefers the malice wrapped in human skin to such foul and meaningless things.

Humanity, darkness, corruption, the more rotten it is, the more it makes him giddy.

Compared to that, his skin was boring, including his own, which Chi You had never cared for. For him, a strong body is enough.

As it should have been.

"You have changed me so much," the evil spirit whispered as he pressed his lips against the human's in the pounding rain, moisture and cold wind passing through their bodies, lips seemingly pressed against each other, the sound of the sea breeze sweeping in their ears, the cold intimate touch on the dark, turbulent deck, the evil spirit whispering. "You have succeeded in distracting me, Jiang Luo ."

The human's eyes were full of watery dew, the blood had been beaten away by the rain, the hot air between Jiang Luo's nostrils followed the sea breeze that swept over the two men, he was pinned down by the evil spirit, his spine straight, one leg still landing on one knee, "Me?"

The corners of his mouth curled and he smiled in amusement.

"Ah," the evil spirit said slowly, "you."

In the next instant, the evil spirit was high on the lips of the human he had long wanted to taste.

The rain poured down from the sky, and the kisses of the evil spirits were as warm as the rain, but much more gruesome and powerful. The dense mass took Jiang Luo's breath and protest, like a fishing net from the sky, leaving no room for escape.

Jiang Luo's breathing stalled slightly, and a second later, without hesitation, he raised his hand and grabbed the evil spirit's hair, gnawing it back hard.

Between the dense wind and rain, the darkening sky and the sea it seemed as if this was the only Angonese ship, the only deck on the Angonese at the centre of the world.

The pair of enemies on the deck kissed passionately, wrapped in the smell of blood and the force of the confrontation, fighting between the uneven rocking of no one backing down.

Jiang Luo tugged at Chi You's collar and flipped him violently to the ground. His lips left his mouth for a moment, then the next moment they were pressed down and reapplied by the evil spirit, and the two men tangled and rolled twice towards the interior of the deck.

The evil spirit pinned the human underneath him as he chuckled lowly, "At times like this, listen to your teacher's teachings and do not disobey them."

Jiang Luo twisted both legs around the evil spirit's legs and in an instant reversed his position and rolled over to sit on top of the evil spirit. He sneered and said, "A teacher who takes advantage of students like you?"

A fist comes down on the evil spirit's face and is wrapped around his hand. The evil spirit deftly dislodged Jiang Luo's force and instead rose gracefully, wrapping Jiang Luo's legs around his waist and leading the dark-haired youth to the handrail, pinning him to the railing, "A teacher like me would only be killed by a student like you."

His hand lifted the edge of Jiang Luo's damp bathrobe.

Jiang Luo heckled twice, grabbed his hand and threw it down, then used the railing behind him to abruptly build up his strength to kick the evil spirit, side-stepped and broke free of the narrow space and strangled him from behind, "Speaking of which, I haven't asked you - why are you asking who I am. "


Jiang Luo scolded, "How can Chi You be so high?

Tall enough that when he held him from behind, he could clearly see that little height difference between the two men.

It must all be because the idol is physically tall, which is why he is so tall.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Luo's Chi You disappeared in a black mist, appearing behind him in a flash.

Jiang Luo reacted quickly by blocking Chi You's outstretched hand, his glare shooting backwards.

"That's a question I should be asking you," the evil spirit smiled, stepping back and easily avoiding Jiang Luo's blow, "Nice body technique."

Like a good teacher who has seen his pupil improve by leaps and bounds, he said with great relief, "Then in this lesson, let me teach you the physical arts."

The evil spirit side-stepped Jiang Luo's kick and stretched out two fingers, leaping upwards from Jiang Luo's calf as quickly as if he were playing a lute, "Physical skills, sometimes more important than jutsu."


I can't tell if it's sweat or rain that slides down to my lower jaw between gasps.

Jiang Luo's body and mind are getting hotter and hotter, even though it is extremely cold outside.

Such dry heat made his movements begin to flutter and raised his mind to an inexplicable stifling heat. His speed was increasing amidst the sparring of the evil spirits, and the rain did not bring him a single bit of coolness.

Not right.

This is by no means the natural physiological heat that follows exercise.

Jiang Luo suddenly stopped moving, his nostrils heavy as he lifted his eyes to look at the evil spirit, "No more fighting."

A foolish sizzle like a smouldering woodpile, Jiang Luo licked his moist lips and frowned fiercely.

What's going on?

This feeling, too, was too much like the dry heat after eating a deer whip and drinking a great tonic soup, about to burn up his whole body.

He tugged at his collar in annoyance, suddenly remembering the male fish he had induced to jump into the sea.

Is it possible that the blood of a male fish in heat landed in his mouth and that's why ...

Jiang Luo's face suddenly sank at the thought of this possibility.

Posted on 12/03/2021

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