Chapter 27: Glass

I stay at the hideout until sundown, until the newcomers go home for the evening, before I leave for dinner. Home to my parents who think I spent my day at the library, again, instead of meeting other Mystics and learning their life stories—to an extent.

I know I can make more stuff up if they ask any questions, but how much can I make up until it’s overkill? A big bag of bullsh*t? A bigger bag of bullsh*t than the last few times I went out? I can’t lose control. I have to stay in control, as much as the Council is in control of us. That level of control.

Not to the point where others aren’t in control of themselves.

Nevermind. I’ll stop. No more stupid mind rambles.

I turn the door knob, slow and hesitant, and step inside, closing the door behind me. They’re not in the kitchen. The T.V. sounds like it’s on. I take my hat off, tossing it on to the island. “I’m home. The library, super boring.” I groan, walking into the living room. “Quiet, too.”