The Start Of Despair (Pt 3)

Kahn initiated the bloodshed.

The villagers were still petrified, not wanting to believe that the very being that was said to inspire fear and chaos was standing before them. They were the perfect prey for a vengeful predator.

The Shadow Demon raised its hand towards them, causing the villagers to shrink back in fear. Their lips quivered, trying to force out the words that rang in all their hearts. But, the people were too scared to utter a single word.

If they said the word, they were scared that it just might come true… the fact that before them stood a Demon!


In a flash, no, faster than that, the dark hand of the Shadow Demon stretched forth and retracted.

Like rubber, stretching and returning back to its shape, the creature's limbs moved in like manner. It was swifter than what the eyes of mere humans could follow, and the scared group fell silent, unaware of what the Demon had just done.

