The Familiar Selection Ceremony (Pt 2)

"Once the Gate is opened, Familiars will pour out and swarm the area. Do not worry, none of them shall harm you." Damien began explaining the ceremony.

No student dared to zone out at this critical juncture.

"A special Magic has been placed around that prevents them from being hostile. Besides they are Familiars, and all they are seeking are satisfactory hosts. None of them will attack potential candidates."

Our supervisor continued his explanation, telling us about the time frame for selecting a Familiar. The ceremony started at exactly 12:00 and a period of three hours was provided for every student to get a Familiar.

For the Inepts, they would all be given artificial Mana Cores, (also known as Mana Stones), to form contracts with their Familiars.

Since the ceremony was sacred, disturbances were not allowed, and so all the staff members would steer clear of the forest. Though observational Magic would be used to watch us.