[Bonus chapter] The Strange Elf [Pt 1]

Emilia had been an oddball.

For an Elf, who regarded themselves as a superior Race, she often liked my company for some reason.

I had been nothing but a dense man who was always buried in research and the study of Magic back then, so I didn't notice her true intentions on time.

Still, I never thought of her as a nuisance. After all, she was the one who opened my eyes to so many of the things I know now.

We first met when the Heroes Party traveled through several continents to seek the Aid and Alliance of the other Races.

Back then, only I, Gawain Lenard, and Ford Zesshi had been members of the Party.

Sent as delegates from the Eastern Kingdom, we'd had to address the uncontrollable scourge of the Demons.

An Alliance had been the only option.

The Elf Kingdom had been our first option, and so we ventured there.

Thanks to our stubbornness—especially Gawain's determination, my wits, and Ford's power, we were able to finally gain an audience with the Queen.