The Fairy Sanctuary [Pt 2]

Fairies had small body structures.

The biggest among them was probably as tall as an average adult man's head.

However, according to what I learned from Jane Ursula—one of my most trusted friends—they weren't always like that.

Apparently, the Fairies were the ones who intentionally reduced their size so they could feel more comfortable in the limited land they possessed.

With their smaller figures, it would certainly feel like their city was bigger than it really was.

Their size was beneficial, which was why they chose to remain that way.

However, to people seeing them for the first time—like our team of delegates—they couldn't help but stare quizzically.

"I know I am quite small in size, but it's rude to stare so much." The Fairy called Lu chastised their intense gazes.

"A-ah, sorry!" Our group members apologized profusely.

Well, almost all of them.

The entity called Lu, like other fairies, had a small size, as well as wings attached to his back which kept him afloat.