Game Of Chance

"There's no need to beg or pray. The odds are against you. You'll most likely lose."

Ivan's eyes widened the moment Lemi said this.

"Why do you look surprised? It's a simple fact." Her melodious voice sounded distant and unfazed.

"T-then… why?" The young boy's voice rang with despondent betrayal.

Just what was going on here?

"See what I mean?" Lemi's finger was pointed at the stopping wheel.

Just as she'd predicted… the gradient that the arrow pointed to was not yellow. It was orange.

"Y-you! Lemi what did you—?!"


Before Ivan could pounce on the Half Elf, another burst of light enveloped the hallway. It blinded the two of them, transporting the boy away from the place.

Just as with Edward, the light faded after some time, now leaving Lemi all alone—well, except for her Automaton.

"As expected." She smiled, drawing closer to the wheel.

"How hilarious… his face before vanishing. What an idiot. So much for trusting me…"