The Fairy King's Past [Pt 3]

Now that he looked around him and saw the carnage—and saw only one survivor—Beruel did not feel much like a king.

He had gained his prize, but so what? What was a King without subjects?

That was when the first lie of his ancestors became known to the Fairy King. He finally understood an error he'd failed to see all along.

"The subjects don't exist for the King. The King exists for the subjects."

His subordinate was still bowed before him, but Beruel no longer thought of the young Fairy as a slave to him, the master.

No... the relationship didn't feel that way any longer.

'I-I'm happy you survived. I'm happy you still consider me worthy...'

That meant his authority as King didn't come from his being special. No, it came from the people who were willing to treat him as special. His people had been the ones at the top all along.

'It seems Jane was right, in her own feminine way.'