The Golden Legacy

The Realm Of The Emperor—also known as the Emperor's Domain.

Kuzon had learned all about it from his parents.

It was the plane made for the Emperor, meant to offer guidance and assistance to him in his time of need. By combining the joint powers of the Arcanas and the Royal Treasures, a true heir would be able to enter into this world and consult with past Emperors.

As for why the ordinary denizens were here, it had to do with their Soul Brands. Every denizen had a Soul Brand linked to the main Midas Central System—used for both research and the wellbeing of the people.

This was used to monitor the activities of the Midas people, to eliminate crimes or unjust punishments—in the very unlikely event of one.

This Central System could pinpoint the malicious minds in the Empire, and it could also apprehend culprits guilty of an offence. However, this wasn't simply used for security, but also for the progression of Magic Research.