The Old Man [Pt 1]

Amid the cluster of trees was an old man.

He had a clock that covered his entire body, but that didn't stop him from being recognizable at all.

His flowing white hair and long beard were revealed under the hood he wore, and his jolly eyes couldn't be contained by the hood's disguise.

The old man took a step, and then two, glancing around him as if trying to ensure that no one was following him.

Walking through the woods was a good way to traverse the world while trying to hide one's identity. Although, the man's caution seemed a bit too far-fetched.

After all, in the first place... who was he?

"Maya, take a look at that person?" Kuzon pointed at the bushy-bearded old man who was stroking his beard as he glanced left and right before taking just a couple of steps.

He seemed quite clumsy even for an old oaf, but something about him just drew Kuzon in.

Perhaps that was why he couldn't look away.