The Midas' Rising Sun [Pt 1]

The man before Gloria truly didn't deserve to breathe the same air as her.

He was the most despicable, heretical, and vile creature she had ever met. Enough to make her come up with murderous fantasies in her mind.

And the result of this resolve of hers was...


... Her [Absolute Doom] ability.

She directed a single thought towards him, and stared intensely at his head, hoping his brain would explode.



Nothing happened.

'What's going on?' She didn't understand why it didn't work.

Her [Absolute Doom] was perfect. It lacked any weaknesses, and the only one who could really resist it was her older brother.

Even the Emperor had once admitted that he had no defensive measure against it, though his power still surpassed hers.

So why?

How could it not affect him?

"[The Absolute Empress] Effect... though I'm sure you wouldn't understand."

'What in the world is he talking about?!' Gloria's thoughts echoed.