Chapter 16: Sean Deals with the L Word

Sean froze. The same wild fear he felt the other day when Isaac was missing raced through his veins again.

Isaac loved him?

This shouldn’t surprise him as much as it did; this was the point of dating, you didn’t generally date people you didn’t love or didn’t think you could love.

Unless you had an asshole for a father who twisted everything until it was broken and unrecognizable, like Sean did.

Isaac was the one who wanted to take things slow, though, and somehow Sean had fooled himself into believing deeper feelings like love wouldn’t be an issue before the fall show.

What a naïve thought, in hindsight.

Also useless, because almost a minute had passed and Sean needed to say something before Isaac started crying, but Sean’s mind had blue-screened and all his thoughts were wordless screaming.

“You don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready. But I want you to know. I love you.”