Chapter 29: Isaac is Too Nice for his Own Good

Considering Beck had been completely absent from Isaac’s life for two years, he inserted himself into Isaac’s daily routine like he’d been around the whole time.

While Isaac applied to jobs online and wrote cover letter after cover letter, Beck texted him about whatever book he was reading and plans to hang out over the weekend. Around dinnertime, without fail, he showed up with take-out or with ingredients to cook something himself.

“You can’t win me over with food,” Isaac declared while drooling over the homemade chicken wings Beck pulled out of the oven.

“I do this to make sure you eat properly,” Beck countered. “Because cereal does not count.”

“If it’s acceptable for breakfast, it should be acceptable for any meal.” Isaac would stand firm on that point until the end of time.

Beck stood on the opposite hill. “It is barely acceptable for breakfast. Scrambled eggs and bacon take ten minutes to make, max. Throw in some peppers or broccoli and you’re golden.”