Chapter 37: Not All Fans are Terrible

The wheels on the shopping cart squeaked. Isaac winced every time he pushed the cart forward, crinkling the list in his hand.

After transferring money to Isaac’s account to pay for everything, Beck sent him out to do the shopping. “Stop hiding in your apartment like a coward,” he’d said, shutting the door on Isaac’s protests.

Now Isaac was here, cart half full of spices he’d never heard of and vegetables he had no idea how to prepare, squeaking his way through the store. There was one more item on the list, but Isaac was having a hard time finding it. Canned jackfruit was not with the other canned vegetables or the fruit, and he’d investigated just about every other aisle.

He was about to give up and call Beck when his cart crashed into someone else’s. He’d been too busy scanning the shelves, and it looked like the other person had been, too. They looked at each other in surprise.