Chapter 45: This Changes Everything

He watched Sean disappear into the crowd, his chest aching. Beck stormed after Sean, vanishing amongst the people just as quickly.

Everyone had sounded so sure that Sean returned Isaac’s feelings, that there had to be another reason he’d been ignoring Isaac. They’d all but guaranteed things would work out if Isaac could just sit down and talk with Sean.

He shouldn’t have listened to any of them. Sean had ignored him because Sean couldn’t wait to be rid of him.

Fine, if that was how Sean wanted it, Isaac could be out of town by the end of the week.

Wiping furiously at his burning eyes, Isaac went to find Beck before he murdered the model. That jerk wasn’t worth their time anymore.

He shouldn’t have even come to the stupid fashion show. That was hours of his life he’d never get back.

Someone grabbed his arm. Expecting it to be a nosy reporter trying to get more details, he ripped his arm free and turned towards them with a snarl.