Chapter 49: Isaac Has So Many Questions

Isaac’s gaze ping-ponged between father and son. He’d thought arguing for Sean’s freedom would be a harder battle, but it looked like the aftermath would be the real challenge.

“Why?” Sean demanded. “Why change now?”

“Because I’ve been watching you,” Eric said. “Every year, you retreat into yourself more and more. You used to fight me on everything, but as more time passed, you stopped.”

Isaac glanced up at Sean. He wasn’t sure either man remembered he was still here, and this felt like a private family thing, but he didn’t want to abandon Sean. Until they asked him to leave, he’d keep quiet and offer his silent support.

“Maybe I was just tired of losing all the time,” Sean said.

“I’m sure you were,” Eric said. “Your mother was tired a lot, too, in those last years.”

Sean stiffened beside him. Isaac had so many questions.

“I know I’m not the best father. There are many things I should have done differently when you were children, signs I shouldn’t have missed.”