part four

Just as all officials left the hall, Elijah immediately entered and almost ran to Priscilla and embraced her tightly, taking great care to avoid exerting pressure on her abdomen and stomach area. Turning me around and taking her hands in his, he gently placed a kiss on her knuckles, when she suddenly felt her hands getting wet. Getting worried and slowly detaching her hands from his, Priscilla cupped his face and slowly lifted his head, making him look at her. "What happened, why're you crying love? I'm so sorry I should've known, do you not want this child?". "Are you going crazy? Why would I not want this? I can't explain in words how lucky I am to have you".

Priscilla had never seen him this happy, a huge smile on his face and tear filled eyes threatening to fall once again.

He immediately proposed the idea of making this news an announcement in the grandest way possible, he looked ever so excited just like a small kid who received their favourite present, but she stopped him."I want this to be our day, just you and me".

They spent most of their day in the garden, taking long walks and having a peaceful moment. Elijah was so elevated by the news, he even went as far as to start thinking of baby names. He kept smiling, kissing her and kept patting her still very flat tummy.

As the night dawned, after having dinner, they had a slow dance in their bedroom. He would usually pull her to dance with him but this time, he didn't. That's how much he cared.

As night came and they were preparing to go to bed, still smiling, Elijah was insistent to tell his mother about the news, but Priscilla wanted to keep this a surprise. Understanding and respecting her decision, Elijah agreed.

As they cuddled up in bed, tired with the day's events, the last words Priscilla heard before she fell into deep slumber were,

"7 billion smiles and only yours pours life into me Cilla."


The pier was located a quarter-mile from the palace. On a typical day, it was calm and peaceful. Priscilla herself often went there for solitude, taking in the ocean air and feeling collected.

But that Thursday the pier was anything but quiet. Throngs of people bustled about, waving and cheering, singing songs and doing chants; for, when there is a war at hand, people will always come out to show their support.

Off to the right, the royal orchestra began to play "Praise Tastia," sending the crowd into a wild frenzy. Women had baked pies and they ran them to the ships, where happy soldiers scooped at them with their fingers. It was a glorious day.

Up on a platform stood the King and the Queen, smiling and waving to the masses, pillars of confidence. Behind them was the great ship, Brigantine, the country's largest vessel, flanked by thirty-nine ships of varying size. Over the ledge of each ship peeked the heads of thousands of sailors and infantry, saying their last good-byes before they were sent into the terrors of war.

Priscilla held the King's hands. She didn't want to let go.

But the time had come. All the speeches and royal decrees were now over, and it was time for them to depart.

She squeezed harder. Still, it made no difference.

The King was to board the Catamaran, one of the smaller ships, so that he would be able to more easily manoeuvre. Brave as he was, he knew that an army could not operate nearly as well without its leader.

The King turned to his wife. He could see the worry in her eyes.

"I won't be gone long," he comforted.

"Take good care of yourself," she said.

He smiled. "I will"

What beautiful eyes she had. He put his hands by her side. She could feel herself getting lost in his loving stare, when suddenly she felt his lips press against her own. A roar of approval erupted from the crowd, but the kiss outlasted even that. Priscilla only hoped that she could remember the taste of his lips. When it was over, he lifted her head and looked into her eyes once again, taking her hands in his.

Then he turned and was off.

The crowd cheered louder than ever as they watched their king board his ship.


Months went by. And as the Queen's pregnant body grew more and more robust, so did the kingdom. She lived up to all her husband's expectations and more, running the kingdom as well as any other in its history. Priscilla proved to be quite an effective leader, and all prospered because of it.

The people soon came to admire Priscilla very much. She was always fair and willing to listen to all their complaints. Often she would insist on walking through the market streets just so that she could speak with this common folk. The Queen was praised and admired by all for her competence and compassion.

Soon Priscilla was more than a Queen- she was a beloved leader.