
No one could see what was even flying over their heads before anyone could notice the spaceship was already over five kilometres high in the sky. Above the clouds, a black bird-like figure flew at very high speeds.

They were travelling approximately at the speed of 500 km/h, and all everyone could hear was loud screeching sounds tearing the air.

"Alan it's so fast," Erica didn't expect it to be this fast.

"We are so high in the sky!" Lizzy said as she found clouds around the spaceship in a matter of minutes.

"We could go higher if you want" Alan was sure the spaceship could go to at least 30 km in altitude.

"No!" Elizabeth was not having any of it, she was about to puke on the flight.

"Ok, ok" Alan nodded with a small smirk.

"Alan, what do we name it?" Erica wanted Alan to suggest a name for the spaceship.

"Hmm…" Alan looked at the interior and thought for a while before answering "how about Nightcrawler?"