Sarah Took On The Villian Role

"Hahahaha~ Alan stop~" Victoria was holding Alan's mouth from sucking on her nipples.

It was morning already, and Alan and Victoria were playing around in bed right after Victoria woke Alan up. Alan wouldn't let her leave the bed, he would use her as an arm pillow and keep spooning her.

"Alan, come on it's morning already" Victoria caressed Alan's chin "I need to leave today~"

Alan opened his eyes and kept staring into Victoria's eyes "I am going to miss you"

Although she has heard it many times she felt butterflies every time Alan says this to her, and it never gets old.

"I will miss you too~" she kisses Alan on her lips and gets up from her bed, she walked towards the bath swaying her perky ass around "I am going to wash up"

A predatory smile appeared on Alan's face; he knew what he was going to do.

A couple of seconds later, all that came out of the bath was Victoria moaning sounds.