A God? A Fallen Angel? An Elf? (4) [Double-Chapter] [18+]


"Ah," Nightmare snapped her fingers. A metaphorical light bulb appeared above her head. She figured out the puzzle. A dangerous-looking smile graced her lips. Now she knew why her sister had marked this feminine male and why it would feel so good plundering him for herself. If her theory was correct, he would feel good enough to risk a war against her sister, or the whole seven realms for that matter.

Willow tried to think of something, anything that could get him out of his current predicament despite the haze of lust clouding his mind. For one, he knew that Nightmare and Ivanka were two totally different entities to the point that they don't even recollect each other's memories, as if twins sharing a single body, living two different lives with two different morals—one thriving under the sun and the other waking under the moon. What one did was completely unrelated to the other, which was also the reason as to why Nightmare could technically assault him despite the contract between Ivanka and the Demon God.

A sweeter smell pumped into the room at his distress. Tingles, little electrical bolts fried the edges of Nightmare's nerves. She drooled. There was no point in starving herself any longer. No good hunter would leave such a delicious morsel in misery, so deprived from the good fucking he deserved. Besides, she wasn't sure she could walk away if she tried. Her feet were determined to carry her to that scent, turning to lead every time she thought of walking away. . .which was zero to begin with.


Her hand hovered above the sheets he was hiding under. A touch and his trembling stopped, silent as if waiting for her next move. She brought her face close, closer to the source of his sweet, sweet smell and sniffed. She gulped as her bunny ears trembled when she could hear him mini-orgasm just from her sniffing alone.

Then, without a warning, she ripped his sheets off and got a good look at her prey. Her heart throbbed at the deliciously inviting sight. He was beautiful, not overly seductive like the succubus queen she'd impregnated and not overly adorable like the married, female human hero she'd fucked on a whim. He was just. . .right and she couldn't take her scarlet eyes away from him.

His hydrangea eyes glazed with tears, his luscious lips slightly parted for air and his beautifully perfect face slickened with sweat. Oh by the seven realms, he was perfect. He was perfect enough - just by looks alone - that she was already considering making him her wife, far elevating him above her 99 mistresses. Just a thought of course since her imperial harem would definitely complain and whine, things that she was way too unmotivated to deal with. Besides, there was also her other self to consider.

But most importantly, she had a mission. She wouldn't give up on her mission, but she still didn't want to give up on this little morsel either. Keeping this boy by her side would impede her progress significantly. She couldn't even be sure she would have enough time for him, as she knew that boys like him were the needy type when it came to a relationship.

Was he worth the gamble? One sniff and he was definitely worth the trouble. It was almost unfair the way his scent begged and clawed at her, beckoning her savage nature, pleading her to plunder him for herself. Blood rushed through her head like the fastest river current before meandering right down her navel, allowing the rise of her goddess-level cock. Her fingers touched his hot skin and prickled constantly as if his skin was made of electricity.

Butterflies. Her body knew what her decision was; what little reasoning she had was already gone and being the savage nature that she was, she never even fought it. How long has it been since she had a starry-eyed doe to sit on her lips, a good cook that would make prepare her for the ritualistic nightly fucking she would provide and more importantly, a wonderful mother to which would give birth to heathy, strong offsprings and cute, little kits. Now that she was being handed that very opportunity on a silver platter, she no longer hesitates.

Taking in a deep breath, one that allowed that sweet scent to entrench every crevice of her lungs - and soul. She wasted no preamble pushing back the drape to drink in the sight of her treasure. All encompassing hopes and passions were being realized here, coming to life right in front of her. As soon as her hands touched upon the swell of his hips, the image of a rounded belly flashed in her mind.

"Hey there, little doe," She cooed at him. He shook his head, tears framing the corner of his eyes as she hushed him, "Oh you poor little thing." One of her hands traveled down to the insides of his thighs and felt how moist it was. "You look like you need some help there. I can help you."

"Let go of me!" He yelped, "let me go!"

She only pulled him closer, her breath billowing down his face. "Calm down." She tried shushing him but it didn't work.

"You're hurting me! Please, just let go!"

"No. Your body needs this."

He was fully aware how naked he was. Nightmare had full access to any part of him she wanted to touch. He was a glazed roast on a gold plate and she, a royal, was excited to dine. Any peice of him was fair game. Tears sprung to his eyes, his heart thundering in his chest a million beats a minute. He quivered, his lip quivered, and a blush rode up his body like a rollercoaster.

White noise incessantly rang in his ears, blocking out the bigger sounds and honing on the minutia; the slide of her silk shirt on her shoulders, the creasing of the bed sheets as she moved. All he had were the jerky breaths he was releasing in order to hold back from crying.

"You can't do this to me. I didn't do anything to deserve this!"

"I'm not punishing you; I'm helping." She twisted him to the side, grabbing on to his other arm. His back was to her chest and he couldn't see her eyes. He could feel the mounds of her breast squished amidst his shoulder blades that rose and fell shakily.

The clamor of her boots as she widened her stance was deafening. She used them to kick open his legs while asserting her weight on him, bending him at the waist. Her nose drifted up the curve of his neck, leaving a trail of fire and raised hair. He'd heard of how attractive this feature was in movies but in real life it was the least romantic experience since it was done by a rapist.

He couldn't ask what she was intending to do, too scared that if he said anything she'd shove his head aside and bite into his glands, tying him to her. Instead he stood still, allowing her what she wanted until her mouth was far enough away from his neck that he could move without risking his most sensitive area. It was agonizingly slow how long it took her to finally pass it, nose halting frequently. By the time she was on to new things he could feel the thick tip of her cock straining against her zipper. It uncomfortably scratched at one of his cheeks.

Unbelievably he felt embarrassed for allowing this rapist treatment of him. Bent like a broodmare and handled like a ragdoll by a petty intruder who seized him in his mere second of weakness. It was demoralizing and his rapist was savoring it.

Tickling at the surface of his mind was the voice telling him to fight back - commanding him to fight back. His parents wouldn't have wanted to see him like this; their only son, resigning himself to the assaults of a stranger. This rapist was going to sweep away the last vestiges of his momma's little boy if he didn't do something.

Spirit, not yet crushed by the brute, he tapped into his adrenaline, igniting a short spark of strength. His head is heavy, dull thud poking at his brain. The ache makes it feel like kinetic sand slipping through his fingers - unstable while he holds it up but free and knitted together nicely when it collects on the ground. His body was already complicit, if the increased production of wetness easing down past his ankle was anything to go by. However, his mind previously operated under his wishes and none else.

Then, adrenaline hit him. It coursed through his veins like an electric current. He held onto that, letting it power him up. One burst of energy was all it took for him to wriggle out of her hold. His legs regained autonomy as he bolted to the door. By this point he's had to have amassed scabs on his feet. The soles were feeling rubbed raw as they thumped on the porous flooring.

His energy came with a rush of wetness slipping from him like sap out of a tree spout. Later he would be told he tasted just like sap too. But during the spike of endurance he paid no attention to the patterns of slick drops leading behind him or the sticky clashing of his backside. He needed to run away.

However that objective never came to fruition. Just as quickly as the power washed over him it washed through him. His steps slowed and his last thought wandered somewhere bitter before the inevitable rough hands that held him a second ago grabbed him yet again. Unlike last time he couldn't even get halfway to his destination. He was pinned on the ground, face down, beside the brick wall section under the window within the next second, gasoline smell coming back full force. A sob wracked his throat as the situation came to a head.

"Stop running." She ordered, voice passing through clenched teeth, one hand reaching into his hair to grab at his roots. The other hand ran down the side of his ribcage, checking for wounds. She couldn't properly breed him if he was severely injured.

Nightmare shook her head, making pitying sounds then laughed half-heartedly. "Your throat must be so sore. So dry." Her hands came back up, outside his blanket and wetness before pinching her fingers in front of their eyes, both marveling at how wet and sticky her fingers were. "No wonder you're so dehydrated but don't worry, little doe."

Her sticky hands clasped onto each side of his face as she looked like she was chewing on something. Drool accidentally slipped her lips and Willow knew what she was planning on doing. He forced his lips shut as Nightmare laughed. Her strong hands forced his mouth wide open. "Open wide!"

"Sto-" Willow couldn't complete his sentence due to the gob of clear saliva falling between his lips, tainting his molars and teeth, forcing him to swallow an essence of his rapist. Then, something happened. Out of his own volition, he started to gulp down her saliva like a dehydrated camel finally drinking from an oasis. And the more he drank, the more his body heated up.

"Surprised? My fluids all contain an aphrodisiac in them," Nightmare watched endearingly at the little doe feeding from her. "But the ones with the highest dosage are my saliva and the other. . . .well, you'll find out soon enough." Her hand stroked the sides of his cheeks. "You're so perfect."

Willow's brain might as well be non-existent right now but he still hated how condescending she sounded just now. With all his will, he forced himself to break free from his heat/aphrodisiac-muddled mind and slapped her condescending hands away, settling for a glare at Nightmare.

"Still got a bit of will in you, huh? Good boy," Nightmare praised, sounding even more patronizing. Then, her eyes glowed mystically. "Tell me, do you want me?"

Willow wanted to scream 'Hell No!' but he knew he made a mistake the moment he looked into those glowing eyes. Simply put; he wasn't particularly smart during estrus, no matter his opinion. It was incredibly facile for him to become encompassed by his perceptions, leaving a blind spot for Nightmare to gain control of him or the situation. Which is exactly what she did. Before he could even curse at how he had fallen victim to Nightmare's core skill, his mind. . .slowed. No haze, no heat—-everything zoned out to him. Replacing the stench of her aggression was the fragrance of wood and fresh lakes. Under regular circumstances it would be a soothing scent, one that was bewitching him, calling him deeper and deeper into those eyes.

"Y. .yes," Willow muttered, drooling from his lips. "I. .I wan. .t you."

"Will you resist?" Nightmare kissed down his neck, making his clothes disappear with but a thought as her lips quickly found themselves wrapped around his pink, perky nipples, all the while still maintaining eye contact with him.

Willow let out a soft moan. Spots of red dominated his neck. "N-No. .Ohhh." His mind was at ease for the moment so he couldn't even yell 'no' when Nightmare tongued his chest all the way down his midriff, making sure his entire front smelled like her.

"Does it feel good?" Nightmare asked and snarled when all she got was a stupid moan. Without a word, she slapped him across his face and mind-controlled as he was, he didn't even yell. He didn't even flinch or rub his sore cheeks.

"When I ask you a question, you answer, whore," Nightmare could hear her heartbeat thumping violently. How long has it been since she felt such raw and primal need to fuck someone senseless? "Does it feel good?"

Willow nodded, "Y. .yes. It. .feels. .urg."

"You're resisting my Eye?" Nightmare said, between mouthfuls of sucking his moist, perky nipples while rubbing her cock against his thick thighs. "Tsk, fucking mutt. Who said you can do something like that?!"

She flipped him around so that he was on his stomach, face down, ass up—just how she liked it. It was then that she could appreciate how round and perfect his ass was as well, with just the right amount of meat on it akin to a soft bubble, not too big, not too small, perfectly sized just like the rest of him.


With the open palm of her hand, she slapped his fat arse and deeply enjoyed the ripples on his ass that followed through her slap. "Fuck." Even with both of her large hands, she couldn't get her palm around his asscheeks.

Then, she brought her face close to her treasure and enjoyed the warm facial of hot, sweet-smelling air she got from his little boy pussy. It was shaped like a heart, constantly drooling sweet nectar, obviously excited at how a dominant was near to help it.

Nightmare couldn't stop herself from diving nose-deep into his bussy, lapping every last nectar that slipped past her masterful tongue. Willow could do nothing but to scream like a whore into his pillow, eyes rolling as mini-orgasms after mini-orgasms racked his spine.

His hips attempted to move away, to run from her slippery, long tongue but Nightmare wasn't having any of it. "Do you think I'll let you fucking get away?" In an instant, she had him in a submission hold. Her powerful, muscular thighs wrapped around his waist, pinning him down as veins bulge on her arms with how iron her grip was on his pelvis. Now, he couldn't move without her consent.

"Slurp. .So fucking good," Nightmare's tongue wriggled around his bussy, attempting to reach even deeper inside his virgin canal but the ungodly tightness of his walls made it extremely hard. So instead, she focused on something else. "Fhoun Ish." Her tongue curled around, pushing the little hard button inside his bussy.

Instantly, Willow's hips thrashed around like a fish stranded on land as the most intense orgasm hit him like a truck. "Urghhh! Cummhing, cumming!" Rather than Nightmare's grip loosening like he hoped, it tightened as her tongue moved like a whip, lashing and solely focusing on his G-spot, gulping down the wave of heavenly nectar like a dehydrated camel as his little penis shot droplets of cum down her mother-like breasts. If it was possible, his smell was at it's sweetest, long since surpassing nectar and entered well into the domain of drugs, drugs that could even affect a goddess-level being such as herself. It was like he had used her Eye against herself since the only thing in her mind was to devour as much of his drug-like nectar into her stomach and was she getting stronger? It felt like she was gulping down the world's essence with how her body felt full and elevated, ascending after every gulp.

Thus, she couldn't help herself when she also came just by drinking his nectar. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, bunny ears stiffening as her hips pumped hot cum onto his vulnerable, nubile stomach. As she coated him in her cum, Willow felt like his stomach was being bathed in lava from how hot and glutinous her cum was. By the point they were finishing their climax, both of them had already lost their minds, covered in each other's abundant fluid.

"Puhee," Nightmare's tongue discharged from his hole, her entire face wet with his scent and nectar, eyes crossed vulgarly like she had just been face-fucked by the world's largest cock as Willow's lower body fell onto her breasts in defeat; both of them twitching and shivering constantly from how divine that all felt.