People Are Just Too Horny [8]


What do I do now?

Now that I had tempered too much with the story's timeline, I can only kiss my plan to live quietly in a remote place goodbye. My only option now was to participate in the story's events, which begged the question; How much do I want to interfere in it?

The one and perhaps the only thing that guaranteed my survival throughout the entire forthcoming events was my knowledge of the future, and the game. For example, just with my knowledge of where the world items are, I could explore and wield them to become the strongest being in all of the myriad realms, but then like my favorite uncle said, with great power comes great responsibility.

Besides, I didn't have the motivation to find all the 12 world items to begin with. I was very much a person who bit when bit first, and even then I'd still wonder if it would be worth the hassle.

I snapped my fingers. My head lit up like a lightbulb.


What if I simply push all of that power to other people?

Since I was already interfering with the events, it really didn't matter if I hastened the plot a little quicker and maybe manipulate the characters a little bit in finding their inner strength, or finishing their training, or killing their king or whatever ratchet plots were stirring in the world. Of course, I had to be careful with not tempering the events too much to the point I couldn't recognise which is which but otherwise, it should be okay.

How hilarious would it be if a random mob killed the Demon God instead?

But, before I could do all of that manipulation, I had to first be strong enough to do said manipulation. And, what was the fastest way to get stronger?

It was simple. Grind, and fight opponents stronger than yourself. Then, take their shit but of course this option wasn't available to me.

Even with martial arts, I was still too support-orientated to go around challenging people to duels. No, I needed a team, or a party of people that would take most of the hits for me before I dealt the finishing blow and took all of the shit.

I opened my eyes, and turned to take a glance at an insignia hung upon the walls, of whose color was complete red and blue, taking the shape of a dragon.

"The Adventurer's Society."

While there were other ways to find talented people, in my memory, the most talented but undiscovered, naive people were always in the Adventurer's Society. Not to mention, I was in HighTown and it was going to be a full moon tonight, where someone who had the most broken attack-oriented ability, was going to appear, absolutely lost and trashed after the fiasco in the Adventurer's Society [HighTown Branch].

I shook my head, remembering the woman's tragic past. She might probably have the most tragic past in history but then I guess it was required so that she didn't misuse her ability. Oh, but I was going to make her misuse her powers, especially if it's for me.

My party would be of four people, including me. An attack, support, defense and magic users who would later be the best in their own categories, and would use said best for the benefit of me. My little underlings who would never fail to protect me, or kill the people I need removed.

Well, that's set then.

In my mind, an outline of a plan was beginning to form. A plan that would ensure I was in the safest place in the world, surrounded by people who listened only to me.

The candle on my table flickered, weak under the full light of the moon. My heart ached and my soul throbbed, longing to see the goddess of that shiny night rock in the sky.

Pleasure later, action now. I took a deep breath, and rushed to grab my cloak before heading towards the Adventurer's Society. Oh, the taste of security was especially sweet tonight.

Then, I opened the doors as I took the first steps of my plan.


The Adventurer's Society looked exactly as it did in the game, only more lifelike. It was furnished with the highest order of wood, decorated with ornate colors of red and blue, as banners of arms rolled down the clean walls, one of them even belonging to the royal family. On one of such walls, there was a leaderboard, where three people were at the top with a shiny platinum star under their names. One of them would be key to getting my little attack dog.

I took a bite out of the potato stew, and had to be careful not to hit the big, dark hood around my head. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the potato stew wasn't that bad, at least by medieval standards.

"What did you say?!"

"Bu-Bu-But, sir!"

"I'm going to rough up you-"

Unfortunately for the Adventurer's Society, no matter how pristine you kept your walls, there would always be ruffians who would fuck everything up.

I turned to look at the bunch of ruffians yelling at the quivering, little receptionist who seemed much too of a coward to be an official bearing the Society's name. But, I knew better than to judge things at first glance.

I smiled. It looks like the side event is finally beginning. For a second there, I thought it would never start.

"A-As I said, dear adventurer, you cannot submit materials less than that of your adventurer ranking and class," The receptionist stuttered. "A-As yo-you are a a M-Mapper, you can only submit a m-map of a dungeon or r-ruin. This is to prevent the 5 classes of the Ad-Adventurer Society from st-stealing cre-credit."

There were two ruffians who were kicking up a fuss.

d like a balloon. "This is fuckin' stupid! How were we supposed to kno' that?!"

"Eek!" The receptionist squealed. "P-Please don't yell at me. ."

This was when the orc-like woman came in, keeping a firm hand on the little, raging man's shoulder which instantly calmed the man. No, you could say he was frozen in fear and I wondered what she did to make him that scared.

"Now, now, Brutus, let's keep a calm head, shall we?" The orc-like woman said, flashing her Silver badge which shone brighter than the Iron badge the man wore. "This is no way to treat a fine lady now, is it?"

"Tha-Yo-You're right as always, D-Dhog."

Finally, Dhog and Brutus had revealed themselves, which meant that my theory was right. The side event was just as I had remembered it, which would mean that person was going to appear soon.

Dhog then proceeded to give a flashing smile to the receptionist, which just scared the poor lady even more since that orc-face just did not go well with smiles.

"Let's do this again, shall we?" The orc-like woman said. "Brutus and I here, know the rules of the Society, but unfortunately, our Cook, Support and Wanderer died, leaving us with all of their. . .this loot."