Tournament Arc: The Oblivious But Overpowered Elf (10)


His gaze wandered to a vibrant poster adorning the wall, announcing a highly anticipated tournament taking place in their town. It was scheduled to be held on the Fifth Moon, just a week away, at the prestigious Grand Stadium in sixth avenue. Willow pointed at the poster, his excitement palpable. "Look, my friends! There's a tournament coming up, and I think it's our golden opportunity."

Amelia's eyes widened with curiosity as she read the details on the poster. "What's at stake? What are the prizes, Willow?"

Willow's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "The prizes for winning the tournament are truly remarkable. The first is a Multi-Colored Phoenix's Tear, a legendary gem said to possess incredible healing properties. It's a rare and precious artifact that can revive even the gravest of injuries. The second prize is a hefty sum of 10 Gold Coins, a treasure in its own right. And last but not least, the grand prize is the enigmatic Black Penchant."