A Dance With Monsters (5)


A shiver of unease crept down Willow's spine as he grappled with the implications. The Sage's strength was not confined to his combat prowess alone; it extended to his very essence, granting him an uncanny resilience that defied the laws of nature. Willow had thought he had triumphed, but now he questioned whether victory had ever truly been within his grasp.

With his gaze locked onto the Sage, Willow's mind raced. He needed a plan, a strategy that would ensure his safety in the face of this enigmatic adversary. The Sage had acknowledged his skill, but that did not guarantee safety, especially when faced with such an unknown quantity.

As the seconds ticked away, Willow weighed his options. His instincts told him that the Sage would not strike him down in his weakened state, not after acknowledging his prowess. Yet, there was no room for complacency, no certainty in this arena of unpredictability.