Strengthening stone! Spell crit from scratch

Finally seeing the attributes of the venomous crocodile king, Ye Yang also turned into excitement from the beginning.

As for Zi Pin's weapons and equipment, although Ye Yang likes it, he can only see a small increase now.

He saw another thing.

Strengthen the stone fragments!

"No, I remember that strengthening stones are not something that can be used after level ten?"

Ye Yang suddenly fell into a question for a second, but he understood in an instant.

Because... the crocodile king, it is already a level 10 boss!

Whether the crocodile king is level 10 does not affect Ye Yang's expectation that strengthened stone fragments can be exploded on him!

Strengthen the stone!

As long as you have played online games, you must understand this item and not understand it.

Can enhance equipment's attributes by a large margin.

It can be said that a piece of equipment that has been strengthened to the top is very different from a piece of equipment that has not been strengthened.

"World Domination" is even more so.

The effect of strengthening stones in "World Domination" is also better and stronger, and...the chance of strengthening is also lower.

Fortunately, the explosion rate of strengthened stone fragments is not low, and there are many ways to reward them.

But the pit is there, and his chances are not flattering.

Even a player, even a top player, a consortium-level player, can hardly say that he can complete a top-level enhancement effect once in his lifetime!

According to the information on the official website.

Three fortified stone fragments can be combined into a level 1 fortified stone. Chance is 100%

However, its focus is when it officially begins to strengthen!

In order to make the player's enjoyable experience the first enhancement, the probability of strengthening +1 is 100%! Absolutely successful.

But since the second time, the probability of strengthening +2 has become 50%, which is directly cut in half.

Strengthen +3, 10% success rate.

Strengthen +4, 1% success rate.

Strengthen +5, 0.1% success rate.

Strengthen +6, 0.01% success rate.


Starting from strengthening +3, until strengthening +10, which is the top strengthening.

Every time it increases the enhancement level, the success rate will be reduced by 10%.

Don't count, fools know the success rate of top reinforcements.


An astonishing probability of one in a billion!

Fortunately, the enhanced effect is that equipment can be transferred.

In other words, every time you replace equipment with stronger attributes, you only need to spend 100,000 gold coins to buy an enhanced stone transfer scroll, and you can transfer the enhanced level to another piece of equipment 100%.

This is naturally to take care of those non-Chief players.

However, the emergence of the enhancement effect is also the beginning of officially opening the gap between the first, second and third line players!

Consortium-level boss players who are super first-line players can upgrade their equipment to level 7 with a one-in-100,000 chance and a lot of money.

If there is this emperor of European emperor, the fate of European emperor, perhaps a few pieces of equipment can occasionally reach enhanced level 8.

As for strengthening +9, it is no longer an area that "humans" can touch.

Then there will only be Oushen players!

Even though the chance of strengthening was so low, Ye Yang knew that those players would not give up.

Each time the equipment is strengthened, the basic attributes of the equipment can be increased by 50%!

It can be said that every time the equipment is strengthened, it is a super improvement of strength! Up to 500% bonus to equipment can be obtained!

This is also the case, Ye Yang would expect that even if the enhancement settings are really pitted, the players will not give up.

If you can't be a first-line player, you can be a second-line player.

If you can't be a second or third line player, you can also be a casual player.

However, this is also because this road seems to have no end, which can attract top players to chase each other!

An enhancement +6 is enough to blow for ten years!

An enhancement +7, you can even enter the realm of first-line players!

What's more, after the equipment reaches a certain level of enhancement, there will be enhanced suit special effects!

Whole body enhancement level 1: defense bonus +10%

Whole body strengthening level 5: damage bonus +50%

In addition, the most anticipated special effect is also the most desirable enhanced special effect!

Whole Body Strengthening Level 10: Final Domain

[Final Domain] (Magic Circle Halo)

Level: 10

Description: When your whole body enhancement amplification level reaches level 10, you have come to the final area of ​​enhancement. With this skill, you will get a permanent magic circle aura.

Warrior: defense bonus +100%, damage bonus +100%

Mage: Spell Crit +1%

Bow and arrow: Critical damage +200%

Assassin: Skill damage +200%

According to their own characteristics, the three major occupations, or damage, or defense, or violent injury, approximately have a super 200% increase.

It happens that there are only mages, only a poor 1%.

But don't forget, whether fighters, assassins, or archers, their increase is only from small to large.

And the mage, there is only mage.

He is a very special bonus from nothing!

The three major physics professions are born with a 10% probability of a critical strike, and the basic value of critical strike damage is also 200%.

In order to pursue stable damage, the mage cancelled the spell crit mechanism.

For relative balance, the talents and pseudo talents of [absolute hit] and [1.5 times spell damage bonus] are also given to the wizard.

Especially Ye Yang.

When he hadn't obtained the [absolute chance], he was already on the verge of the wizard and the archer.

When he had an absolute chance and saw the hope of having a spell crit, he no longer hesitated!


A person who can do anything and everything can destroy all existence!

It has a super long-range casting distance, a super large damage range, and a super scary damage bonus!

These are what Ye Yang yearns for!

But but!

A profession without critical strikes is an imperfect profession.

Although the initial critical strike only doubles the damage bonus, this does not affect the perfection that the critical strike brings to the wizard.

Who said that art cannot crit?

Ye Yang just wanted to prove it to them.

When a mage with a 100% crit chance appears in front of the world.

When a mage can hit the full line of red.

That is a real mage!

Moreover, the archer's critical strike damage bonus also gave Ye Yang another hope.

Critical damage is more than 200%, it is only 200% of the initial!

Critical damage can be increased!

It can be 300%! 400%! Even higher!

However, the source of all this must start with the domain-level boss of this novice village, the poisonous crocodile king!

"In that case..."

Looking at the terrifying realm boss in front of him, Ye Yang was not only unafraid, but was extremely excited!

Because, starting from this domain BOSS, he has already embarked on a path that can transform himself from a defective mage into a real mage!