World Domination": A real world!

I have to say, if Ye Yang really saw his outfit, he would have to doubt whether she was the protagonist in the novel.

Compared to her [absolute probability], she is a genuine Oudi fate!


This is also inseparable from the courage and carefulness of half a day in the early summer, and the super willpower and superb fighting skills that have been tempered after gradually adapting to single-player independent fighting.

Dare to face the giant bee swarm alone, but Ye Yang, who has just stepped into the poisonous gas forest before, has a little bit of pressure.


[Task progress: 5/5 of Tias's remaining magic energy, 28/20 of the poisonous crocodile, 5/5 of the poisonous crocodile lord, 1/1 of the poisonous crocodile king. ]

[Task Status: Completed. ]

Ignoring the information such as adding friends, asking for bands, etc., Ye Yang directly opened his task panel.

The clear three words "completed" made him feel good!

Moreover, there is no need to deliver a task, since the moment the poisonous crocodile king fell to the ground, he has already risen to level 10!




[Status] Life 810, Magic 1830

[Attribute] Strength 21, Magic Power 178 (+200%), Constitution 38, Agility 21

[Free attribute]5

After killing the poisonous crocodile king, Ye Yang, who opened the domain-level monster illustration book, also brought him a bonus of +10 attribute points for all four attributes.

Let his originally weak body, have a very good improvement!

Moreover, the previously replaced purple rank 9-level staff also increased his mana by 6 points, and now he has reached 178 mana!

After adding 5 points of free attribute to the magic attribute, his magic power has also reached 183 points, and his magic value has also increased to 1880 points.

With more than twice the life value of magic, Ye Yang hardly has to worry about the problem of depletion of magic value caused by casting spells.

Then, of course, it was Ye Yang's most anticipated item to be able to use.

[Double career transfer scroll] (only)

Level: 10

Description: After completing the task of rectifying the poisonous gas swamp, you already have the absolute qualification as a holy spirit fairy. When the level is increased to 10, after using this scroll, you will be able to ignore your original profession and holy spirit The advanced assessment of Xianshu automatically owns the advanced profession of the wizard: Holy Spirit Fairy, and gains another opportunity to advance the profession.

Looking at the items rewarded by this mission again, Ye Yang's excitement could no longer be suppressed!

The only dual professional player in the whole server will be born soon!

I am afraid.

This thing can't even be imagined by Blue Star United Nations officials?

Different from other general online games.

The origin of "World Domination" is an alien meteorite.

I thought it was just an ordinary outer space meteorite, so earlier, it was stored in the World Museum.

However, as time goes by, more and more people are beginning to notice the difference in this meteorite!

Following this, the meteorite gradually began to be handed over to the World Research Institute.

Finally, the scientists of the scientific research institute came to a conclusion: the other side of this alien meteorite is another amazing real world!

In other words, it is easier to understand: this meteorite is a channel to connect to another real world!

No doubt!

The Blue Star, whose area and population are ten times larger than the Earth in the previous life, has at least surpassed many years of technology.

After learning the news, at the same time it is also talented!

Crazy scientists, human biologists, and unpopular super-experts in the supernatural world, and other elites from all walks of life come together!

Hundreds of countries participated, and top experts from all walks of life spent several years tackling tough problems before opening this channel to another world!


Game cabin: The inventor of this thing gave it another name, called the soul stripper, strictly speaking, it is called the mind stripper.

The meaning is very simple, it can help you to peel off your mind safely and painlessly, and then take you into the channel connecting that world from the game cabin!

Of course, also because of the existence of the mind, the player's pain, touch and other physical sensations in this world are also 100% of reality.

When the pain reaches a limit (life value reaches 0), the player's mind will be broken, and then the mind will be reorganized, which is resurrection.

As for the death penalty.

That is not something that scientists can defy.

That is the matter of the ruler of the world, so scientists can't get involved in modification.

They naturally hope that the Blue Star people as compatriots will not have any loss, but once they enter this world, the rules are not in the hands of what they call science and technology!

Fortunately, they can at least guarantee


Blue Star Currency Exchange Gold Coin: Yes, money is needed everywhere.

When scientists explored the currency of "gold coins", they also officially began to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to open up the channel with Blue Star currency exchange.

In the end, the scientists determined the value of the "gold coin".

Same as Huaxia coins, there is a 1:1 exchange value between the two.

Since then, China Currency has officially replaced the U.S. dollar and became the world's currency.

Reason: easy to exchange with that "gold coin"!

It was from this that a large number of world-class wealthy people, such as Bill Cauchy, Li Jiacheng, Rothschild family, Morgan family, etc., began to transfer their wealth to China's five major banks.

The five major banks commonly known as "Industry, Agriculture, Communications, Construction, and China"!

The scientists moved so fast that even the presidents of China's five largest banks did not react.

After Huaxia was officially adopted as the universal currency of the world, the presidents of these five major banks have not tasted going home for at least a few months.

Busy! ! !


As for those guilds before the service?


under these circumstances.

No matter how imperialist Milliken is, no matter how militarism Fusang is, and no matter how good the old Maozi wins by fighting, no one dared to show any limelight in the choice between one world and another!

Strength is the theorem of everything!

Unity can be all the strength of unity. This is what Grandpa Mao, the founder of China, once said!

Moreover, scientists with superhuman IQs can even decipher "gold coins", let alone unite human beings and get some "guilds" and other groups!


Of course, these are not known to ordinary citizens like Ye Yang.

Ordinary people only know one thing. The source of "World Domination" is a game based on a meteorite from the outside world.

Even the UN official cannot modify any data, and there will be no plug-ins.

As for the aboriginal people (NPC) in "World Domination", it is a complete and real world.

Because he is a real world.

Over the years, the continuous tackling of fortifications and the full efforts of scientists from hundreds of countries can only bring only 0.01% of the unreal place to the "world".

The so-called: data panel

Add a data panel to the blue star, that is, all the props, equipment, or personal strength of the player, so that the blue star can better check the improvement of their own strength.

Therefore, "World Domination"'s official website of the United Nations has extremely limited exposure to this online game.

For example, a super torture triggered by the strong sword injury of the chairman of Juxianzhuang: Thunder Prison.

That is the rule laid down by the ruler of the world, and it cannot be changed by the scientists of Blue Star.

of course.

You can also wait until you have enough strength and rush to kill him, and you can naturally change everything.

So what scientists can do is only that.


At this time, Ye Yang's excitement had faded a lot.

Stay sensible, so that you can better face the next things.

Now his thinking is very clear. He returns to Novice Village to hand in tasks, sort out his gains, and then trade with Bai Yuge.

Finally, head to the megalithic city!