900 Years Ago

"That's exactly the reason why I am here, Ali," he added but it was obvious that there's still more of what he wanted to say but he was having a hard time doing so.

"Hm? Why exactly?" Ali smiled as he waited for him to finish his sentence.

"I… I was asked to come here to get you," he bit his lower lips, "I was told to tell you that Viron, that snake… won't come today,"

Although Ali could sense that he was serious because of his facial expression and voice, he never knew that his friend could make jokes.

"Say that again and expect yourself flying your way out," he chuckled to his joke. It might sound like a joke too but he is very sensitive if it's about Viron.

But Ross didn't laugh or smile. "I'm serious, Ali. Just why… would you think I would say something like that out of nowhere?" his whole expression had changed, it wasn't the smile that he wore when he arrived at Ali's.

Ali could feel himself getting agitated for some reason but he didn't really pay attention towards it, "Hm… How should I know? Maybe you accidentally bumped your head?" he replied, brushing off the fact that he was bothered by this kind of topic.

"I would have had a bandage wrapped around my head if that's the case. But do I?" he pointed to his own head. "No, right? I told you, I was asked to come here to send you this news,"

"How do you want to see yourself out? Walking on your own or should I help you to break your legs off and find you some attendant to go out?" he threatened as he showed him his smiling but lifeless face.

"Snap out of it, what's so special with Viron that made you so into him?" he halted and drifted his eyes onto the lake. "Did you know? Rumor has it that he had an accident yesterday. And I'll tell you again… that's maybe one of the reasons why he won't come or can't possibly come today," he said as if it was nothing to him.

He knew how much Ali had liked Viron, for how long they have been friends, he was sure that he had told him a lot of reasons why he fell in love with him. But what confused Ali was why is his friend acting like that…

Ali froze, "Huh?" He stared at Ross directly, which resulted in them forming an eye to eye contact, "Do you even know what you're saying Viron? In front of me? You must have known for a long time that I won't accept things like this," he didn't know how to react to the statement he gave him and even his heart felt like it suddenly had a void inside him.

"Believing it or not is not up to me, it's your decision. And I know how sensitive you are if it's something about him," he simply said before taking his eyes away back from the lake and stared at Ali back instead.

"I also know how important today's occasion is for you, that's why I went unnoticed because I was in a hurry to tell you," after saying that, he turned his back away from him to leave his place. But he suddenly remembered something, "Right," he only tilted his head, and his body still remained facing the other way, "Viron told me...." After he had said his piece he had an urge to leave already but he wanted to take a look at what Ali's reaction would be so he decided to stay for a bit.

On the other hand, Ali couldn't believe what he heard from him, from what he just said. It was exactly like what Viron had told him the last time they met…

"How…" he mumbled.

"How could… how did you know…" tears formed on his eyes and it didn't take a long time for them to fall down on his cheeks.

Ali started to reminisce back to the past, 900 years ago… where the both of them were so happy — when it was only the both of them and their few friends who knew about their relationship. They were so happy that he wanted to go back to that time.


The giant tree in the background that stood up among all the beings in there; flowers, snakes, rabbits and any more beasts are like supporting characters as they make the tree in the picture shine brighter than it had before.

But what enhanced the tree more than all those was the two people that were on one of its branches — resting and relaxing as they looked at the scenery in front of them. Appreciating how the clouds up on the skies waved its hands to add more power to the serene feeling of the place.

The profuse, pea-like, bright red leaves danced as the cold breeze passed by them.

"Say, in just a few months, our trials will begin… what if something happens and we couldn't get to enjoy our times together anymore just like this… or even worse, something happens with one of us?" Ali started as he snuggled the back of his head on Viron's chest more. They were so relaxed that he, himself, was surprised by the question he asked.

"That's impossible," Viron slightly kissed his forehead. "But if something like that happened to us, we'll simply just break through those people who dared to stand in our ways," he then turned on Ali's right cheek and gave it a gentle kiss. "Aren't you the one who told me that we must fight back against those who stand in our way and just focus on our goals?" then kissed his left cheeks.

The both of them had a passionate look and stared at each other for a moment before he continued talking.

"Then let's do it just like how you see it. Because if you're planning to fight, I'll be your shield that will protect and fight along with you and and stay by your side,"

Viron didn't hold himself back anymore and proceeded to flirt with Ali by kissing him all over his face, and his last route was his rosy-red lips. But before he worked on it, he glanced at Ali and asked him for permission through exchanging messages using their eyes.

Ali was already craving for Viron's lips, and as he properly told him that, his lover didn't waste any more minutes before he finally owned his lips.

Ali didn't want to do it but he broke their connection off and gasped to breath.

"Do you understand now?" Viron put down his elbow on the tiny branch beside them and upon doing that, he rested his head on his hand.

"Hm?" he asked after he finally collected his breath.

"Do you think these trials could stop us from loving each other? Because if you ask me, I'd answer no. I don't think it could," he proudly answered from the question he asked.

"I was saying "what if"! I didn't say that it could…" he looked like a child who lost his chance to play outside.

Viron ruffled his hair because of how cute and adorable he was, "We will be together for eternity, hm?" he said.

"Together… for eternity," Ali repeated.