
Viron didn't even sense a bit of sincerity in his words, he knew it would happen again because this is just the same scene like the last time Ali climbed up.

"Hmp!" After making sure that Ali was already safe and sound, he quickly let go from hugging him.

It was so abrupt, he hadn't even landed on the floor properly! But he didn't really mind that, what caught his attention was Viron, 'Eh... Is he mad for real?' he thought, but it didn't end with that, it just made him want to tease him more!

"Little Snake, did you just throw me on the floor? How rude!" He pretended to have a pitiful and angry voice at the same time but Viron didn't even pay attention and just continued to mind his own business — sulking.

'That didn't work?!' Normally, Viron would have come rushing onto him, checking if every part of his body had a scratch.

Ali tried to get up from where he clumsily landed but even just attempting to get up, his hips didn't listen to him, "Ouch!" he cried out as his butt fell from his attempt to get up.

This time, Viron was alarmed and hurriedly went to him, and he was so fast that Ali didn't even notice that he's already in front of him, "Are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked while checking Ali's body. Clueless, he accidentally groped his butt and helped him to get up from the floor, still caressing it, "Slowly, slowly," he didn't seem to notice where his hands were. All his focus was showered on making sure to help Ali to get up properly.

Inside Viron's mind, he couldn't help but to blame himself for letting Ali go like that. He may be annoyed but look at how his annoyance has gotten him. 'What will I do if he can't walk properly anymore? Never mind that, what if we can't even stand? I shouldn't have let go of him so rashly, and made sure he landed safely first instead!'

Once he got up safe and sound with the help of Viron, he came up with something again. "Ah!" he moaned. "Viron... Y- Your hand..." and placed such an erotic face.

Viron didn't get what he meant at first, but as he felt his hands touching such a soft thing, he couldn't help but to squish it.

"Ahh!" Ali moaned again and that was more genuine than earlier. "W- What are you doing!" embarrassed, his face and neck up to his ears suddenly heated up.

Viron had a grasp of what was going on, but he still didn't stop from squishing Ali's butt cheeks. Watching his lover suffer from the scheme he started kind of enjoyed him, and the way he pants was just making Viron react to his reactions.

"Y- You're doing t- this on purpose, aren't you," he glared like he has a fangs to show to Viron and was panting so heavily, with a fear of falling down because he couldn't stand now properly, he reached Viron's neck with both of his hands and hugged it. He even engraved his face on his neck after doing that.

"I sure am, what are you gonna do about it, hm?" Even if he doesn't admit it, he's already reacting to Ali, seeing him helpless like this, he wanted to tease him more.

"S- Stop! Seriously... you!" Ali couldn't even gather words properly.

"Nngh..." small tears have formed on his eyes as his legs had trembled, he didn't take his hand off of Viron's neck, hands fully clasped as the ecstasy began to perish.

"Hm? D- Did you just..." Now, it's Viron who can't gather the words he wanted to say because of amazement.

"Shut up!" Ali exclaimed. He felt Viron's shoulder shaking, out of embarrassment, he opened his mouth and focused on a certain spot of his neck, acting like a beast with fangs, he bit Viron.

"Ouch! That hurts!" He pretended to be in pain, but in fact, it didn't hurt him at all. Instead of feeling the pain, he was more tickled.

"All right, I'll stop now," he said but Ali can still feel his shoulders shaking.

"What a bully," he mumbled, but because his face was still on Viron's neck, his statement didn't escape his ears.

"Am I? As far as I know I only continued what my lover started," he fought back, but what he said made Ali out of words to retaliate, hearing "my lover" came out of Viron's mouth, his heart softened.

"I- If you already knew, why didn't you stop?! You even teased me even though you knew what was happening..." remembering what just happened, he can't help but to bite his lower lips and lower his head more.

"Hey, earlier... don't do that again," he started, his tone turned serious and his shoulders weren't shaking anymore.

"Do what?" asked Ali. He has done three things already, so he wasn't sure what exactly Viron was talking about.

"To pretend not to get up... I was worried that something might have happened because of how I let go of you, and it won't happen again. You can always climb the tree and stay on its branch for how long you prefer. I'll come to accompany you– waiting at the bottom of the tree, looking at you as you enjoy the scenery, and will carry you down like I always do. Just don't pretend that you were seriously hurt," said Viron while he kissed Ali's forehead, caressing and feeling the smoothness of his waist-length straight black hair.

Ali's cheeks, neck and ears had reddened, "Mhm... I won't do it again," he just wanted to tease him, but maybe he really went overboard this time. His heart melted as Viron's kind words repeated in his mind... it was as if he was floating around the sky.


"Ah, out of all the things, why would I remember that?!" Ali who's still in the distance questioned himself while still flustered as he remembered their memories.

"Ah, I don't know anymore. The thing I just know of is that…" he came out of where he was hiding as if it was a cave.

"I miss you. I hope the sun would set earlier than we expected," Ali let his hair be blown by the breeze, hoping that all his worries would be blown away too.