Chapter 1 (The Start of an adventure)

As gojo was fighting sukuna and other cursed spirits, he got a little overwhelmed he was trying to keep yuji alive while trying to seal sukuna away he managed to get past the other cursed spirits and reached sukuna. he fought sukuna doing everything he can and he succeeded, but what did it cost him...

After that he fell unconscious just to see dark space he was sitting on a chair after he focused a little he saw a woman... girl...

He asked "who are you?"

She answered "I am Eris it seems that you have unfortunately died."

Gojo seemed surprised and he asked "How the hell did i managed to die."

Eris told him that he fought well but he overwhelmed his limits which lead to him dying.

Gojo understood what happened and asked her "what now?"

Eris took a breath and said "There are two options. First because you died young and fighting for the one you cared about. It was given you a chance to be send to a world filled with adventures and exciting thing but there is a catch, This world is threatened by the devil king and fphis army."

Eris continued "Your second option is to get reincarnated in your previous world."

Gojo picked thought for a second and said "I would like to see this new world."

Eris replied "Very well. You will also be given a wish for you to spawn in with."

Gojo wondered he needed more answers so he asked " would i keep my previous abilities?"

Eris gave an answer which was "Yes you will after all you already know them."

Gojo calmed down and thought about what he should wish for.

after some time he said "I wish my power is multiplied by infinite numbers."

she answered "I won't be able to do that. I am sorry."

"Then can you boost my power by a little bit?" gojo replied

"I really can't help you with boosting power but you can bring an item that will spawn with you." Eris answered




"I want my old clothes, my glasses and my costumes as a system aka inventory. That I can switch them at any time. Would you be able to do this" Gojo said

"Yes as it is item related and the items are not so hard to make i can do it for you" Eris replied happily

"And you are done hope you well, goodbye!" Eris said waving her hand

"Thanks, Goodbye."

Ones he was out of the dark void he was in a village of some sort

His first thought is that he must be aware of his surroundings so he looked around a little, but he realized he could just teleport and so he did

This time he teleported right in front of a not so tall boy with brown hair and a again not so tall girl with blue hair. She was panicking so he asked them if they were good.

In which The girl immediately responded "No we are not this guy just bring me to this world and i need to kill the devil king to go back."

"And who are you?"

"I am Aqua the goddess of water."

"Ok..." Gojo just stood there watching them calmly .

"And who is the guy behind you?" Gojo asked.

"He is Kazuma" Aqua said angrily.

"Wanna explore since it looks like you too are new to this world" Gojo said

"Yea sure" Kazuma said

Aqua had no choice but to follow as they talked while exploring at some point they found them selves in front of the "Adventurer's guild"

When they entered the building a blond girl said "Welcome if you came here to eat, please take an open seat. If you need job guidance, head to the counter inside."

Kazuma thanked the girl and when she left a weird dressed guy said in a deep tone "I haven't seen you before" in which Aqua got scared and backed down as for Kazuma he made a dumb story

In Which he respond "Is that so then, Welcome to the gates of hell!" with a weird look

When they were done with the guy they went to the counter where they were greeted by another blond lady which said "Hello, what can I do for you today?"

in which Kazuma said "we came here to become adventurers."

and so the lady answered "I See, in that case you first need to pay registration fee."

"Sure, sure. Huh, registration fee?" and then he asked Aqua if she had any money on her

and so she shook her head as a sign of no.

After that Kazuma and Aqua sat on a table thinking what to do Gojo decided to stay straight

they murmured something while Gojo was in his mind

Aqua stood up and said something to a guy on another table but Gojo didn't pay attention

she was given 6 golden coins by the guy and so she came back as her pride was damaged

as she was not recognized. They left to get their "license". The blond woman told them to put their hands above the Cristal ball looking thing and so first Kazuma got his as the stats showed and the lady read them, the woman said that with such luck its better to become a merchant. Kazuma got demotivated

And Gojo was on verge to Laugh at the comment as well as Aqua

After that it was Agua's turn

Gojo again was on the verge of laughing as the blond woman said "aside from your intelligence being below average and her luck being the lowest." the rest of her stats were above average

and that she can be whatever class she wants.

at that comment everyone started staring at her

and Aqua decides to be an arch priest

after that Gojo put his hand above the ball and it printed his card, as the stats showed

the lady was in shock to see the stats which were the highest she have ever seen in her career. In everyone's shock. Gojo became the center of attention.

they did a celebration for them, Aqua And Gojo and welcomed them to their Adventurer's guild