Narasha’s past & Contract

Aura waved her hand and the case that contained the sword landed on the ground, previously she was using her magic to maintain it floating but now that Disaster seemed to be calm there was no need for her to keep wasting mana since the sword was extremely heavy.

Daimon sat cross legged, "I'm talking with a sword… certainly is something you don't get to see every day", he though.

While he was feeling a bit complex, Narasha started her story.

"You probably already know the origin of the material used to create my physical form, so I will skip that part, contrary to what other people might believe I came to existence a couple of hours after the material was created, have you ever heard of elementals?".

Daimon shook his head.

"No, I'm still lacking a lot of knowledge", he answered.

Narasha explained.

"Basically, on areas rich in mana and another element, given the correct circumstances an elemental might be born, an elemental is an embodiment of an element… it might be fire, ice, nature etc. however an elemental requires hundreds of thousand of years to develop rational thought, so at first, they would only act by instinct and hide on their source of origin, for a fire elemental it will probably be a volcano and so on".

"In my case, since that material absorbed huge quantities of mana, vitality, blood and even the souls of those who approached it, I was created, from certain point of view I used to be like an artificial elemental, after I came to my senses the damage was done and those researchers placed me in a safe to think what they would do, the material had already devoured to its heart content so it stopped causing problems for some time".

"Then that blacksmith stole the material and forged this sword, he didn't take into account that the material would become more aggressive since it had been given a warlike purpose, during all the process I tried to warn that idiot but he wasn't able to hear me and once he finished the forging process it's when the nightmare started".

"The material became uncontrollable it devoured the blacksmith and in a couple of hours the same happened to the whole planet to the point where it even started crumbling apart, previously I was still able to keep myself separated from the innate instincts of the material but when the sword was finished, I could no longer do anything… you have no idea how it feels to be a prisoner in your own "body", the insatiable hunger that didn't calm down no matter how much mana it devoured".

Narasha took a moment before continuing.

"Then those Archmages came to investigate what was happening only to be devoured by the sword, on the other hand once they were drained the sword calmed down enough for me to regain some control over it, I tried to runaway to a place where there were no living beings but I was intercepted by those two women that are in the room right now… ah there was also a creepy old man who wanted to keep the sword for himself and that was the first time I attacked someone out of my own will".

"Since the other women didn't want to use the sword but restrain it and the material was still "enjoying" the huge amount of mana it had stole from that old man I was able to cooperate and the sword was sealed with antinite.

"I was in a semi sleep state for some time but the sword ate away the first layer of the antinite in less than 10 years so I recovered my senses, luckily there was enough energy stored so the sword didn't get out of control during the last 400 years… at least until a moment ago when you absorbed one eighth of the sword's energy reserves".

Narasha changed her serious tone for a more curious one.

"Speaking of that, what kind of monster are you, if the knowledge I got from the souls of those researchers is correct then you are only novice mage and yet… you absorbed enough energy to blown away a country and you don't seem to be affected by it, to begin with how are you able to overwhelm the sword?".

Before Daimon could say anything, Evangeline interrupted the conversation.

"He is the kind of monster that no one can never know what will his limits be... a "Pervert", as for your other question that is easy, he is my host so of course he can control a little rebellious sword".

Daimon have already learnt to ignore Evangeline calling him pervert but he still had to keep his face in front of others.

"Ignore her, she is just a crazy person, the truth is that even I don't know what can I be considered anymore but that doesn't matter, be it a demon, monster, abomination, I'm willing to be called any of them if that allow me to never lose someone dear to me ever again", he said.

Narasha was surprised by the words of the "young" kid, what could have he experienced that would make him form such a firm resolution to become strong and how far can he go was something that even she wanted to see if possible.

"So, you had another entity with you, don't take it too personally but she seems to be quite arrogant if you ask me hahaha".

Daimon nodded.

"I totally agree, you can't choose to whom you will be tied so I understand a bit of your pain hahaha".

Evangeline was speechless.

"Oi, you are my host so why are siding with some shady sword you just met humph", she said.

Both Narasha and Daimon laughed at her reaction before things returned to be serious again, Narasha contemplated thing for a moment before saying.

"Unlike those half emperors I can feel that you should be able to destroy the sword so if you don't have a way to control it then please as a one-time favor… destroy it, even if that also ends my existence it is better than being forced to be a prisoner of an unsatiable hunger and not being able to do anything about it".

For a moment silent remained on Daimon's head, he seemed to consider everything before he spoke exclusively to Evangeline.

"Evangeline, you previously said that AP is far better than any other kind of energy there might exist right?".

Evangeline smiled.

"So, you did pay attention to what I say huh? As the administrator of the system, I can't tell you all the secrets to unlock functions nor the actions needed to unlock certain skills but I can give you hints about them… still your idea might work, there is no way to know unless you try hahaha".

Daimon shook his head.

"Narasha, if you absorb more energy than the sword can you control it?", he asked.

Narasha was surprised by his idea.

"Originally the sword is my physical form so I should be the one in charge, but as an existence akin to an elemental I'm too young and the innate "instincts" of the material the sword is made are too strong for me to control… however if I have a stronger source of energy then things are different, as long as I can keep myself on top then I should have the control, but you will need something stronger than mana or battle aura".

Daimon smiled.

"Ok, then it's all settled but first I need to know, are you willing to form a contract with me? be aware that it will be a contract that won't be dissolved even if one of us ceases to exist… not like I will allow something like that to happen, what I mean is that you won't be able to separate from me".

Narasha first got excited since she might have a chance to finally have a decent live but she calmed down and asked.

"If I accept, how would I be treated, I don't mind fighting at your side but I… don't want to be a deprived from my freedom never again".

Daimon shook his head.

"I might not be a good person but fairness is one of the things I strongly believe in, besides from killing mindlessly or negatively affecting me or those who are related to me I won't limit you on any other way, of course you will have to help me to fight if I need you to".

Narasha smiled.

"I accept!!! But how are you going to form a contract, normally magic weapons form a bond with their masters through blood, that's how the blacksmith was planning to control the sword but it was instead absorbed the very moment it touched it".

Instead of Daimon, Evangeline answered

"It will work because the contract won't be between the sword and the user but between you and Daimon, I have to say that lay your hands on your own weapon you keep surpassing my concept of a pervert".

Narasha was confused,

"Lay his hands on me… although I don't mind serving the man that will be my only partner ever, I don't have a physical body you know?".

"I told you before, there is no limits to what my host can achieve when a woman is involved hahaha", said Evangeline.

Daimon felt an incoming headache, unfortunately Evangeline was right, the only way he had to give Narasha his Ap was… turning her into his soulmate.

"Ahem, just like you said there is no need to worry about that since you don't have a human form", Daimon showed her the terms of the soulmate contract and before he could explain anything else the iconic sound of a notification echoed through his head.


[A new soulmate has been registered, congratulations to the host]

Evangeline was amused by the fact that Daimon thought Narasha was free of the duties of a soulmate just because she didn't have a body.

"You are underestimating the system little Daimon ♥, after all your mother received a new body thanks to it hahaha", she thought.

But then something that even she didn't expect happened.


[A new skill has been unlocked due to a specific action]