A bet

Daimon was surprised feeling the intense gaze Aliya was directing at him, "My intention was to outstand to get the support of the alchemist association… but it seems I might have overdone it".

"Still being in good books with the teacher that will be in charge of your class, isn't a bad idea", said Evangeline.

Daimon nodded, unlike the results of the other students, Aliya kept the elixir refined by him in her storage ring before she continued with her lesson.

"The classes have changed, magic theory will be left aside for the time being, and we will only focus in spell basics, potion brewing and… combat theory".

Aliya sat down and continued.

"Can any of you tell me in your own words a definition of what is a spell?".

Aisha smiled as she answered.

"A spell is created when we combine the use of imagination and ancient language, to give "instructions" to the mana we store in our magic cores".

Aliya nodded.