Hand to hand combat (part 2)

Although Leslie surpassed his expectations, Richard was more eager to see the next match mainly because Yvonne was participating.

Boris also focused his attention on the match.

"The last time, Aisha didn't have to put too much effort to defeat Leslie, but I also didn't see her using any fighting style, she just took advantage of her superior speed, let's see how things go".

Unlike the last time where magic wasn't allowed, if there is something Yvonne learned from her little fight against Daimon, is to always expect something unrealistic from him and the same probably applied to Aisha.

Contrary to what Aisha expected, the Yvonne of right now was more aggressive than her usual self, as soon as she revealed an opening, she saw Yvonne coming at her with a fierce kick, but it wasn't hard for to dodge it by moving her body sidewards a bit.


When Yvonne landed, the ground shook a bit from her attack,

Aisha frowned her brows.